33 min

Delightfully Different - Jared Cold Plunger Delightfully Different

    • Personal Journals

Jared gets into an ice bath everyday, even in the winter. He says it’s good for is physical and mental health. He even owns a special tub for his cold plunges.


https://www.edharrold.com/lifewithbreathbook https://ltfmentorship.com https://www.facebook.com/BanksLife/ https://www.youtube.com/@BanksyTalks https://www.instagram.com/banksytalks/ https://www.instagram.com/ed_harrold/ https://www.instagram.com/ltf.wellness/

Jared gets into an ice bath everyday, even in the winter. He says it’s good for is physical and mental health. He even owns a special tub for his cold plunges.


https://www.edharrold.com/lifewithbreathbook https://ltfmentorship.com https://www.facebook.com/BanksLife/ https://www.youtube.com/@BanksyTalks https://www.instagram.com/banksytalks/ https://www.instagram.com/ed_harrold/ https://www.instagram.com/ltf.wellness/

33 min