1 hr 15 min

Demon Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

    • TV Reviews

Critically low on deuterium, Voyager makes a pit stop on a deadly planet. Harry and Tom get lost and encounter a strange silver liquid, but when Chakotay and Seven find them later, they're fine. The two are happily breathing the toxic atmosphere and enamored with the desolate landscape - which means all is not as it seems when Demon goes into the Mission Log. Sponsored by

Critically low on deuterium, Voyager makes a pit stop on a deadly planet. Harry and Tom get lost and encounter a strange silver liquid, but when Chakotay and Seven find them later, they're fine. The two are happily breathing the toxic atmosphere and enamored with the desolate landscape - which means all is not as it seems when Demon goes into the Mission Log. Sponsored by

1 hr 15 min

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