38 min

Dennis Thankachan, Co-Founder and CEO of Lightyear: Over $18 Million Raised to Power the Future of Enterprise Telecom Category Visionaries

    • Entrepreneurship

In today's episode of Category Visionaries, we speak with Dennis Thankachan, CEO and Co-Founder of Lightyear, a telecom operating system platform that's raised over $18 Million in funding.
Topics Discussed:
Dennis’ background in computer science and finance, and starting a bunch of random businesses while in high school and college
What Dennis learned from his time at Goldman Sachs – and what he had to unlearn, and why
Why Dennis believes Stoicism is an important philosophy for founders to learn, and what being happy means to him
How Lightyear helps companies make more efficient decisions about their telecoms providers and equipment
Attracting clients, finding product-market fit, and what Dennis learned from fundraising
Favorite book: 
A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy

In today's episode of Category Visionaries, we speak with Dennis Thankachan, CEO and Co-Founder of Lightyear, a telecom operating system platform that's raised over $18 Million in funding.
Topics Discussed:
Dennis’ background in computer science and finance, and starting a bunch of random businesses while in high school and college
What Dennis learned from his time at Goldman Sachs – and what he had to unlearn, and why
Why Dennis believes Stoicism is an important philosophy for founders to learn, and what being happy means to him
How Lightyear helps companies make more efficient decisions about their telecoms providers and equipment
Attracting clients, finding product-market fit, and what Dennis learned from fundraising
Favorite book: 
A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy

38 min