42 min

DeWanda Wise Loves Grocery Stores Fanaddicts

    • Film Interviews

You know DeWanda Wise. She stole your heart in She’s Gotta Have It, Shots Fired, Fatherhood, and The Twilight Zone, and you won’t want to miss her in Showtime’s upcoming series, Three Women or Universal’s Jurassic World: Dominion. But did you know that DeWanda’s heart belongs to Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Wegmans?

You know DeWanda Wise. She stole your heart in She’s Gotta Have It, Shots Fired, Fatherhood, and The Twilight Zone, and you won’t want to miss her in Showtime’s upcoming series, Three Women or Universal’s Jurassic World: Dominion. But did you know that DeWanda’s heart belongs to Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Wegmans?

42 min