20 min

Digital Alchemy - Miya Osaki, Centering Care in Design Digital Alchemy

    • Social Sciences

This episode features Miya Osaki in conversation with Professor Moya Bailey. Osaki shares her experiences working in systems of care including healthcare and the DIY music scene. These experiences led her to chair the Design For Social Innovation MFA program at the School of Visual Arts. Here, Osaki motivates her students to investigate the impact of health on people, systems, and environments within their work. Osaki relates Digital Alchemy to her work in that digital spaces create communities, but there aren’t enough spaces to allow for transparency and agency in these systems.

Click here for the episode transcript
Moya Bailey 
Miya Osaki

Northwestern University School of Communication 

More from our guests: 
Moya Bailey
Associate Professor | Department of Communication Studies
Northwestern University
Digital Alchemist, Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network
Board President, Allied Media Projects
Twitter: @moyazb
IG: @transformisogynoir

Miya Osaki
Chair | Design For Social Innovation MFA program
School of Visual Arts
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miya-osaki-1a319430
Twitter: @MiyaOsaki

Copy and Audio Editor:  
Dominic Bonelli
Executive Producer:
DeVante Brown

This episode features Miya Osaki in conversation with Professor Moya Bailey. Osaki shares her experiences working in systems of care including healthcare and the DIY music scene. These experiences led her to chair the Design For Social Innovation MFA program at the School of Visual Arts. Here, Osaki motivates her students to investigate the impact of health on people, systems, and environments within their work. Osaki relates Digital Alchemy to her work in that digital spaces create communities, but there aren’t enough spaces to allow for transparency and agency in these systems.

Click here for the episode transcript
Moya Bailey 
Miya Osaki

Northwestern University School of Communication 

More from our guests: 
Moya Bailey
Associate Professor | Department of Communication Studies
Northwestern University
Digital Alchemist, Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network
Board President, Allied Media Projects
Twitter: @moyazb
IG: @transformisogynoir

Miya Osaki
Chair | Design For Social Innovation MFA program
School of Visual Arts
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miya-osaki-1a319430
Twitter: @MiyaOsaki

Copy and Audio Editor:  
Dominic Bonelli
Executive Producer:
DeVante Brown

20 min