53 min

DNRE11 - Bryan Casella: How To Use Your Voice In Real Estate DreamNation Real Estate Podcast with Casanova Brooks

    • Careers

Bryan Casella, our podcast guest for today, is someone who definitely knows what adversity feels, how pivoting affects life, and how being consistent helps you win. Bryan is born to immigrant parents, who immigrated to the United States with no understanding of the language. His father worked as a truck driver, and his mother is an assistant at the doctor’s office. He had two brothers who were born in Argentina. His grandfather died when his dad was only 14, so he had to shoulder the responsibility of being the breadwinner which cost him his soccer career. Back in their country, it was taught that money is the root of all evil, and those of their origin has no shot of being a millionaire. With no financial background, it is really inspiring how Bryan reached the success he had today.
Part of the reason why he succeeded is attributed to his early love for basketball. At age nine to ten, he fell in love with basketball. He dedicated his life to it, joined the varsity in school, got a scholarship, played in college, then went overseas to play for a couple of years. Life turned upside down when he got injured multiple times in the same ankle. His years of focus and extremely hard work went downhill, as after his third season it became difficult for him to pass physical exams due to his injury. He even did not walk after his injury for about six months! That experience weighed on him, physically and mentally. Until he decided he needed to give up his basketball career and shift careers.
He said he was done playing victim. He taught long and hard on which path he’ll take next. He remembered a colleague from school whose dad is in real estate. He contacted him, they talked and decided he’ll be in. Just after a couple of months in his real estate journey, he started social media and filming his growth through YouTube, Through that medium, he gathered a lot of followers with whom he connected and made business with. In this podcast, Bryan shared about all the hardships they had to go through as a family, as an athlete, and as an entrepreneur. He shares how he trained his mindset to be a winner and not a victim of adversities. He shares about using social media, particularly YouTube in reaching your audience. How important it is to understand psychology, body language, and negotiations, that even though you did not have the lavish lifestyle and grand car, people will see how knowledgeable and successful you are in what you do. Be prepared to be inspired in life and in building your real estate career with Bryan Casella!
Here’s What You Missed
Bryan’s early life and fall of basketball career
The power of videos
Do you need Zillow?
How to excel in YouTube
Should you join eXp?
How to get away with the indoctrinated belief in us, but listening to your gut feeling
Knowledge Nuggets
[5:54] I took that student mentality. Instead of showing up to the gym and the basketball court, I'm showing up to the office now. I just got to change the role, but keep that same energy and transfer it to real estate.
[9:14] There's this celebrity/expert effect that the video creates. I was just really sharing my journey, but the other part was this whole phenomenon we're seeing with video now. I saw the power in it long before other people did. And I knew I just had to jump on it.
[12:43] Video now has gone from a luxury to what I believe now to be a necessity if you want to market yourself and Bryand yourself in this new age, because again, that's where the attention is. The crazy part is this is all free.
[13:34] I've learned in my life too, whether it's basketball or real estate and social media is you gotta do the work. You just got to get up and do it. And as you go along the journey, you'll figure out.
[15:46] On Zillow: They're trying to sell us that our techniques don't work and that they're old school yet they are using those techniques to try to sell us.
[21:28] On YouTube: It is such a bigger reach and ha

Bryan Casella, our podcast guest for today, is someone who definitely knows what adversity feels, how pivoting affects life, and how being consistent helps you win. Bryan is born to immigrant parents, who immigrated to the United States with no understanding of the language. His father worked as a truck driver, and his mother is an assistant at the doctor’s office. He had two brothers who were born in Argentina. His grandfather died when his dad was only 14, so he had to shoulder the responsibility of being the breadwinner which cost him his soccer career. Back in their country, it was taught that money is the root of all evil, and those of their origin has no shot of being a millionaire. With no financial background, it is really inspiring how Bryan reached the success he had today.
Part of the reason why he succeeded is attributed to his early love for basketball. At age nine to ten, he fell in love with basketball. He dedicated his life to it, joined the varsity in school, got a scholarship, played in college, then went overseas to play for a couple of years. Life turned upside down when he got injured multiple times in the same ankle. His years of focus and extremely hard work went downhill, as after his third season it became difficult for him to pass physical exams due to his injury. He even did not walk after his injury for about six months! That experience weighed on him, physically and mentally. Until he decided he needed to give up his basketball career and shift careers.
He said he was done playing victim. He taught long and hard on which path he’ll take next. He remembered a colleague from school whose dad is in real estate. He contacted him, they talked and decided he’ll be in. Just after a couple of months in his real estate journey, he started social media and filming his growth through YouTube, Through that medium, he gathered a lot of followers with whom he connected and made business with. In this podcast, Bryan shared about all the hardships they had to go through as a family, as an athlete, and as an entrepreneur. He shares how he trained his mindset to be a winner and not a victim of adversities. He shares about using social media, particularly YouTube in reaching your audience. How important it is to understand psychology, body language, and negotiations, that even though you did not have the lavish lifestyle and grand car, people will see how knowledgeable and successful you are in what you do. Be prepared to be inspired in life and in building your real estate career with Bryan Casella!
Here’s What You Missed
Bryan’s early life and fall of basketball career
The power of videos
Do you need Zillow?
How to excel in YouTube
Should you join eXp?
How to get away with the indoctrinated belief in us, but listening to your gut feeling
Knowledge Nuggets
[5:54] I took that student mentality. Instead of showing up to the gym and the basketball court, I'm showing up to the office now. I just got to change the role, but keep that same energy and transfer it to real estate.
[9:14] There's this celebrity/expert effect that the video creates. I was just really sharing my journey, but the other part was this whole phenomenon we're seeing with video now. I saw the power in it long before other people did. And I knew I just had to jump on it.
[12:43] Video now has gone from a luxury to what I believe now to be a necessity if you want to market yourself and Bryand yourself in this new age, because again, that's where the attention is. The crazy part is this is all free.
[13:34] I've learned in my life too, whether it's basketball or real estate and social media is you gotta do the work. You just got to get up and do it. And as you go along the journey, you'll figure out.
[15:46] On Zillow: They're trying to sell us that our techniques don't work and that they're old school yet they are using those techniques to try to sell us.
[21:28] On YouTube: It is such a bigger reach and ha

53 min