47 min

Dog Day Afternoon The Sundae Presents

    • Film Reviews

Ciara makes Dean watch one of her actual favourite films, Dog Day Afternoon. They talk about sexuality and gender, optimism and the Attica prison massacre.

Visit The Sundae: https://thesundae.net/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sundaeblog

"The Boys in the Bank" by P. F. Kluge and Thomas Moore: https://books.google.ie/books?id=5VYEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA66

Radical Empathy and the Prison-Industrial Complex: https://thesundae.net/2018/11/05/radical-empathy-and-the-prison-industrial-complex/

Ciara makes Dean watch one of her actual favourite films, Dog Day Afternoon. They talk about sexuality and gender, optimism and the Attica prison massacre.

Visit The Sundae: https://thesundae.net/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sundaeblog

"The Boys in the Bank" by P. F. Kluge and Thomas Moore: https://books.google.ie/books?id=5VYEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA66

Radical Empathy and the Prison-Industrial Complex: https://thesundae.net/2018/11/05/radical-empathy-and-the-prison-industrial-complex/

47 min