Don't Drift Hershey Free Church

    • Christianity

Have you ever found yourself in a complicated situation and wondered: “How did I get here?” Sometimes those situations are the result of dramatic decisions, but in other cases, they may be the result of a series of minor choices. Over time, we simply drifted and somehow ended up at a place where we didn’t want to be. This can be true in our work, it can be true in our relationships, and it can be true in how we engage God. As we continue our study of Hebrews, the author warns us about these kind of situations and tells us: “don’t drift!”

Have you ever found yourself in a complicated situation and wondered: “How did I get here?” Sometimes those situations are the result of dramatic decisions, but in other cases, they may be the result of a series of minor choices. Over time, we simply drifted and somehow ended up at a place where we didn’t want to be. This can be true in our work, it can be true in our relationships, and it can be true in how we engage God. As we continue our study of Hebrews, the author warns us about these kind of situations and tells us: “don’t drift!”