1 hr 26 min

Dr. Amber Straughn, NASA Astrophysicist Memories of a Moonbird

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She’s a NASA Astrophysicist who’s no stranger to public speaking. She’s talked about her passion for all things space and science from the Library of Congress all the way to ComicCon.Today, she works at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and using data from the Hubble Space Telescope, studies how stars and black holes form in distant galaxies and how those processes change over time. She’s also the Deputy Project Scientist For Communication for the James Webb Space Telescope, and ...

She’s a NASA Astrophysicist who’s no stranger to public speaking. She’s talked about her passion for all things space and science from the Library of Congress all the way to ComicCon.Today, she works at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and using data from the Hubble Space Telescope, studies how stars and black holes form in distant galaxies and how those processes change over time. She’s also the Deputy Project Scientist For Communication for the James Webb Space Telescope, and ...

1 hr 26 min