78 episodes

Welcome to the podcast of Julie Sabatino, the original wedding fashion stylist and founder of The Stylish Bride®.
On this show, Julie and D. Mercado present invaluable insight on the process of getting Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle! Each episode features Julie’s parceled advice and perspective for every detail of wedding weekend fashion, to ensure brides feel empowered and prepared to walk down the aisle.

Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle - The Stylish Bride Julie Sabatino

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Welcome to the podcast of Julie Sabatino, the original wedding fashion stylist and founder of The Stylish Bride®.
On this show, Julie and D. Mercado present invaluable insight on the process of getting Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle! Each episode features Julie’s parceled advice and perspective for every detail of wedding weekend fashion, to ensure brides feel empowered and prepared to walk down the aisle.

    78: Answering Your Questions

    78: Answering Your Questions

    Today, we have a special episode dedicated to all our listeners who sent questions about the best-selling book Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle: Becoming a Stylish Bride.
    In this episode, we dive into many things, from expert advice on crafting your perfect wedding fashion story to the fascinating journey of how Julie wrote her book. We even get into what the future holds for Julie and her team.
    Stay tuned. This episode is one you will not want to miss!
    Extracting 20 Years of ExperienceFor Julie, writing the book involved keeping notes, scrapbooking, and leveraging her vast experience. Her idea for the book began years ago, early in her career, when a publisher approached her. Over time, she accumulated knowledge and insights that built upon each other, which she meticulously documented and applied to her work.
    Rewarding Moments and BreakthroughsJulie found the writing process personally rewarding, especially with the help of a colleague who refined her ideas. Overcoming her doubts and struggles with writing, she loved seeing the book completed and successful. Every chapter felt like a breakthrough for her entire team.
    Completing the BookHer project manager advised Julie that the book would never feel fully completed. That guidance helped her finally submit the manuscript despite her perfectionistic tendencies. She felt relieved and satisfied after completing and releasing the book.
    Setting the Book ApartThe book provides a comprehensive, in-depth guide from a unique perspective beyond most articles and posts.
    The Psychological Aspects of Choosing a Wedding DressHer extensive experience in the wedding fashion industry has given Julie a unique perspective on the psychological aspects of choosing a wedding dress. In her years of working closely with brides, she observed the emotional and mental processes that women go through when making wedding decisions, as selecting a wedding dress is not just about the dress itself but also how it makes the bride feel, reflecting her personality and dreams. Her book covers the impact of those psychological nuances, offering insights regarding shopping habits, decision-making styles, and body image perceptions.
    The Perfect Gift for BridesThe book is often gifted to newly engaged brides as it is an excellent resource for wedding planning. The book could get passed down, making it an enduring gift.
    Future ProjectsJulie has plans to create a course for brides, expanding on the content with more personalized guidance. This course will help brides requiring more interaction and detailed advice without opting for virtual styling services.
    Impact on Brides and the Wedding IndustryJulie hopes her book will promote inclusivity in the wedding industry, addressing issues like sizing and representation. She aspires for the industry to consider the psychological impact of their practices on brides, advocating for a more supportive and diverse approach.
    Links and Resources:The Stylish Bride
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    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 20 min
    77: How to Properly Wear Red to a Wedding

    77: How to Properly Wear Red to a Wedding

    Did you know there is no inherent reason to avoid wearing red to weddings?
    Red is a bold and beautiful color. However, there are several things to consider when wearing it to weddings. So, in this episode, we dive into the most suitable ways to wear red appropriately and tastefully when going to a wedding.
    Wearing Red to a Wedding
    When considering wearing something red to a wedding, it is essential to keep a few guidelines in mind to ensure it will be appropriate for the event.
    Cultural Sensitivity
    You may need to avoid wearing red to a wedding if it may conflict with cultural norms. So, before choosing to wear red to a wedding, especially one where your cultural traditions may differ, it is crucial to research and understand the significance of red within that culture. (For example, in the Chinese culture, red is traditionally reserved for the bride.)
    Respect the Preferences of the Couple
    Always consider the preferences of the couple getting married. If you are unsure about wearing red, it is always best to reach out and inquire first. Some couples may welcome bold fashion choices, while others may prefer guests to adhere to a more traditional dress code to maintain the atmosphere of the wedding.
    Dress Appropriateness
    Opt for a red dress that aligns with the formality and style of the wedding. Avoid overly revealing or casual attire. Choose well-tailored, sophisticated outfits in quality fabrics to maintain elegance and ensure that your attire complements rather than distracts from the wedding celebration.
    Incorporating Red as an Accent
    If you love red but are hesitant about wearing it prominently, consider incorporating it as an accent. Accessories like a red belt, shoes, or jewelry can add a pop of color without dominating your outfit. Combining red with other colors, like pink, can create a balanced and festive look suitable for a wedding.
    Seasonal Considerations
    Consider the season and setting of the wedding when choosing your red attire. Deeper shades like burgundy are ideal for fall and winter weddings, while lighter fabrics, like linen, can make red more appropriate for summer events. Adjusting the hue and fabric of your outfit can help ensure it harmonizes with the wedding theme.
    Confidence and Consideration
    Above all, wear your chosen outfit with confidence and consideration for the couple and the occasion. If you are doubtful about your attire drawing too much attention or getting perceived inappropriately, it is best to err on the side of caution. Always aim to celebrate the couple while feeling comfortable and stylish in whatever you choose to wear.
    Links and Resources:
    The Stylish Bride
    The Stylish Bride Resource Library
    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 15 min
    76: All About the Fathers! with Michael Andrews

    76: All About the Fathers! with Michael Andrews

    Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there!
    We are focusing on wedding fashion for fathers today. Instead of having our usual Q&A with Julie, we're bringing back a past episode where Julie had a fantastic conversation with Michael Andrews, an expert in gentlemen's formal wear, tuxedos, and fabulous suit fabrics. Michael founded Michael Andrews Bespoke in 2006 to help professionals always look their best.
    In this episode, we revisit the insightful questions Julie asked Michael a few years back. Their discussion remains a valuable resource for styling all the men in your life, as Julie referenced in Chapter 13 of her book Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle.
    Join us for all the tips and tricks you need to ensure that the fathers in your wedding party look their absolute best on the big day!
    What an incredible episode this was! We hope it helps anyone navigating wedding fashion for fathers. For more information on grooms and groomsmen, tuxedos, and formal wear, check out Chapter 13 of Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle, now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
    As always, if you have any follow-up questions, send us an email or a DM on Instagram. See you next time!
    Links and Resources:
    The Stylish Bride
    The Stylish Bride Resource Library
    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 34 min
    75: Behind the Pages with Julie Sabatino

    75: Behind the Pages with Julie Sabatino

    Today, we are thrilled to explore the process behind Julie’s new book, Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle: Becoming a Stylish Bride, which has already achieved Amazon Best Seller status.
    Join us as we dive into the inspiration, challenges, and insights behind Julie's journey toward creating this essential guide for brides-to-be.
    Excitement About the Book ReleaseJulie and Dee are super-excited about the release of Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle: Becoming a Stylish Bride. Julie finds it quite surreal to finally have the book come to fruition after many years of anticipation and hard work.
    Overwhelming supportJulie is thrilled and humbled by the overwhelming support and pre-orders, which have surpassed all her expectations.
    Writing Process and Origin of the IdeaA publisher approached Julie several years ago to write a book, but the project did not get going. Then, about three years ago, as her business grew and she gained more knowledge, the idea of writing the book resurfaced, and Julie felt a strong desire to share her expertise and help as many women as possible.
    Encouragement and Making it HappenJulie's decision to start writing the book solidified during her morning walks with her husband, who encouraged her to take action. His support pushed her to keep going, so she began to write earnestly.
    Overcoming Her Writing ChallengesInitially, Julie struggled with self-doubt, unsure if anyone would be interested in her work. Her writing process was further complicated by her dyslexia, making spelling and editing particularly difficult. She also had to balance her desire to provide practical, actionable advice with the anxiety of ensuring her words could not get misconstrued. Addressing various body types and sizes in the bridal industry added another layer of difficulty, requiring her to be inclusive and considerate of different experiences. Despite those obstacles, Julie wanted to create a resource to empower and support brides, so she eventually employed a ghostwriter to help her complete the book.
    Including Diverse PerspectivesInclusivity was a key consideration for Julie, who revised the book to address the unique challenges petite women and other body types tend to face. Feedback from colleagues and her commitment to diversity ensured the book catered to all brides.
    The Timeline and Practical ToolsJulie wanted to ensure her book was actionable and practical, so she included a detailed timeline for fashion-related wedding preparations. She also created resource guides and a fillable timeline on her website to help brides plan effectively.
    Encouragement for BridesThe core message in the book is that brides are perfect as they are. Julie reminds brides that their partners chose them for who they are and that the wedding is about their love rather than achieving a particular look or standard.
    Giveaway AnnouncementJulie is launching an exciting giveaway on Instagram on June 5th, where listeners can win a signed copy of her book, an emergency care kit, and many other exciting goodies.
    Links and Resources:The Stylish Bride
    The Stylish Bride Resource Library
    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 22 min
    74: Julie's Favorite Tips from Her Bestselling Book

    74: Julie's Favorite Tips from Her Bestselling Book

    We are less than one week away from the official launch of Julie’s bestselling book, Dressed, Styled, and Down the Aisle, and today, she will share her favorite tips from the book. 
    Completing the book has been a long yet fulfilling journey, and Julie cannot wait to share all the knowledge she has gathered over the years.  Join us for Julie’s top tips!
    Julie’s Top TipJulie believes that feeling confident in what you are wearing and how you look will shine through in all your pictures and help you have a great time without being bogged down by insecurity.
    Understanding Your Shopping StyleYou need to know what type of shopper you are because understanding your shopping preferences will simplify the planning for your wedding dress shopping experience.
    Scheduling AppointmentsJulie recommends scheduling at least three wedding dress appointments on the first day. The first appointment is for getting your feet wet and trying different shapes. By the third appointment, you start understanding what you like. She also recommends taking a lunch break to stay energized and refreshed.
    Decision-Making StyleUnderstanding your decision-making style is crucial. All women make their decisions differently, and some may need more time to process all the information. Communicating your style to your consultant will ensure a smoother experience. Julie advises against making your final decision on the same day and suggests sleeping on it instead.
    Preparing for Dress FittingsBe prepared to try on dresses that do not fit perfectly. Most stores carry sample sizes that may not match your size, so you may need to use your imagination to visualize the final look. Being able to visualize changes is essential for avoiding frustration in those situations.
    Buying for Your Current BodyJulie advises brides to buy a dress to fit the body they have today. While losing weight or changing your body is a personal choice, buying a dress expecting those changes can add unnecessary stress. Even though most dresses can get altered, it is essential to love the dress as it is when you first see it.
    Utilizing ResourcesOur Dream Wedding Dress Quiz is there to help brides discover the perfect silhouette and style tailored to their preferences. Unlike traditional quizzes that make assumptions based on body type alone, our quiz focuses on what you love to accentuate to ensure you feel confident and beautiful on your special day. 
    Knowing Your TimelineJulie highlights the importance of following a structured but flexible timeline that includes scheduling fittings and buying dresses for bridesmaids and moms to ensure everything aligns and nothing gets overlooked.
    Links and Resources:The Stylish Bride
    The Stylish
    Bride Resource Library
    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 22 min
    73: Tips for June Brides

    73: Tips for June Brides

    June is just around the corner. So, this week, we are sharing our top tips and tricks to ensure our June brides have everything covered.
    Join us for our tried and true hints and strategies to ensure you stay ahead of the game as you prepare for your special day. We will also provide practical strategies for staying comfortable during weddings in the summer months.
    Protecting Against the Heat It is essential to prioritize sunscreen as part of your wedding preparations if your wedding is in a sunny location or a warmer climate. Harley recommends using a high-SPF sunscreen and reapplying it throughout the day. 
    Staying Cool and ComfortableJulie and Harley suggest using rechargeable mini fans and parasols to create shade and provide relief from the heat. You can even incorporate those items into the wedding decor to enhance the overall aesthetic while ensuring your guests stay comfortable. 
    Lightweight FabricsHarley advises brides to choose lightweight and breathable fabrics for their wedding attire, allowing for better airflow and comfort throughout the day.
    Managing Sweatiness Bridegrooms should have backup shirts and use sweat-absorbing powder to stay dry and comfortable. Julie highlights the importance of choosing moisture-wicking fabrics for groomsmen to reduce the likelihood of visible sweat stains. 
    Dealing with Foot Swelling Wear comfortable shoes with cushioned insoles to minimize foot fatigue and swelling. Julie recommends taking regular breaks to elevate your feet and reduce swelling. Compression socks or foot rollers will also alleviate discomfort and improve circulation, especially for those prone to foot swelling.
    Controlling Veils in Windy Conditions Julie and Harley recommend using veil weights or discreetly securing veils with hidden pins to prevent them from flying off in the wind. You can also opt for a shorter veil or secure your veil to your hair for added stability in windy conditions. Practice your veil management techniques during dress fittings to ensure a seamless experience on the wedding day. Harley advises brides to 
    Guest Comfort in Hot WeatherJulie and Harley suggest providing guests with handheld fans, refreshing beverages, and shaded seating areas to enhance their overall experience in hot outdoor ceremonies. Couples should consider the timing of outdoor ceremonies to avoid the peak heat hours and provide relief from intense sunlight. You can even include cooling elements like personalized water bottles or mini fans as wedding favors for guests attending warm-weather weddings.
    Links and Resources:The Stylish Bride
    The Stylish Bride Resource Library
    The Stylish Bride on Instagram

    • 16 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
15 Ratings

15 Ratings

fromWashingtonDC ,

Knowledgeable and to the point

I’m already married but I love listening. Julie is very knowledgeable and gets right to the point discussing interesting topics in the wedding fashion industry. I learn a lot from this podcast! Thank you Julie!j

dougiewin ,

Fabulous Pod!

Julie Sabatino’s advice on “all things weddings” is always “spot-on.” Although I rarely go dress shopping, Julie’s delivery is so breezy and charming, that I invariably find myself smiling until the end of each episode. Fantastic!

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