42 min

DtSR Episode 382 - Jeremiah Grossman Doing the Basics Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)

    • Tech News

Send the hosts a message - try it now!This week on DtSR Podcast, a long-awaited guest joins us. That's right, the one and only Jeremiah Grossman joins us live from a tropical paradise, and you need to hear his message. On this show we cover history, "the basics", and the necessity to know what your security attack surface looks like. It's perhaps one of the least sexy topics ever - but if you ignore it, you're pretty much screwed. Guest: Jeremiah Grossman - @Jeremiahg - https://www.linkedin....

Send the hosts a message - try it now!This week on DtSR Podcast, a long-awaited guest joins us. That's right, the one and only Jeremiah Grossman joins us live from a tropical paradise, and you need to hear his message. On this show we cover history, "the basics", and the necessity to know what your security attack surface looks like. It's perhaps one of the least sexy topics ever - but if you ignore it, you're pretty much screwed. Guest: Jeremiah Grossman - @Jeremiahg - https://www.linkedin....

42 min