23 min

Dudcast #18 - The Vacc of Life Beyond The Rim!

    • Relationships

The Vacc of Life! Are you vaccinated or are you not? How many times a day does this topic come up in conversation? Is this everyone's business or is this a private matter?

YouTube: ⁠https://youtu.be/iuQEKfJSs78⁠

#BeyondTheRim! #BTR! #VaccOfLife #COVID19 

The Vacc of Life! Are you vaccinated or are you not? How many times a day does this topic come up in conversation? Is this everyone's business or is this a private matter?

YouTube: ⁠https://youtu.be/iuQEKfJSs78⁠

#BeyondTheRim! #BTR! #VaccOfLife #COVID19 

23 min