53 min

E28 | Proving Your Worth: How Small Choices Shape How You See Yourself with Ryan Bush, Author of Become Who You Are Human Being Project

    • Mental Health

E28 | Proving Your Worth: How Small Choices Shape How You See Yourself with Ryan Bush

Ryan Bush, author of Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture and Become Who You Are: A New Theory of Self-Esteem, Human Greatness, and the Opposite of Depression shares why depression and anxiety are easier to overcome than you think - just by being a person you respect and doing things you consider admirable. Plus, Ryan candidly discusses being diagnosed with Autism—a neurobiological condition often labeled as a disorder or disability, but he believes is a rare and special gift. 


How to Connect with Ryan Bush

Pre-order Ryan's book "Become Who You Are," access free resources, and learn more about the products, programs, and membership opportunities he offers.

Designing the Mind with Ryan Bush


Questions for Discussion

Can you share ways in which you've attempted to "design" your own mind, similar to Ryan's concept of "psychitecture"? What mental habits or psychological algorithms have you found to be effective?
How do you interpret the idea that a "good life" is not primarily about external successes, but about exercising personal strengths and witnessing these strengths?
Can you share an instance in your life where struggling through a challenge taught you a significant lesson?
Have experiences of hardship and struggle in your own life led to personal growth and happiness in the long-term, echoing Ryan's perspective on the value of these experiences?
Ryan emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues to regulate mood and overall happiness. What are some virtues you prioritize in your life, and how do they impact your well-being?
The concept of self-witnessing was discussed in relation to personal decision-making. How have the promises you’ve made or broken to yourself affected your self-perception and mood?
How do you balance the concepts of "being" versus "doing" in your life? Can you give an example of when you chose to focus on "being" and how it fulfilled you differently than "doing"?
Considering the challenges faced by kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD in today's social and educational environments, as Ryan mentioned, what interventions or changes do you think could support their well-being?
In what ways do you resonate with Ryan's three-dimensional framework for evaluating life choices? Can you share a personal decision that required you to navigate this complex "topographical chessboard"?
Given the idea that our happiness mechanism is wired for social status and genetic outcomes, rather than personal well-being, how do you think we can "hack" our brain's regulation system to better optimize for our own happiness and virtue?


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E28 | Proving Your Worth: How Small Choices Shape How You See Yourself with Ryan Bush

Ryan Bush, author of Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture and Become Who You Are: A New Theory of Self-Esteem, Human Greatness, and the Opposite of Depression shares why depression and anxiety are easier to overcome than you think - just by being a person you respect and doing things you consider admirable. Plus, Ryan candidly discusses being diagnosed with Autism—a neurobiological condition often labeled as a disorder or disability, but he believes is a rare and special gift. 


How to Connect with Ryan Bush

Pre-order Ryan's book "Become Who You Are," access free resources, and learn more about the products, programs, and membership opportunities he offers.

Designing the Mind with Ryan Bush


Questions for Discussion

Can you share ways in which you've attempted to "design" your own mind, similar to Ryan's concept of "psychitecture"? What mental habits or psychological algorithms have you found to be effective?
How do you interpret the idea that a "good life" is not primarily about external successes, but about exercising personal strengths and witnessing these strengths?
Can you share an instance in your life where struggling through a challenge taught you a significant lesson?
Have experiences of hardship and struggle in your own life led to personal growth and happiness in the long-term, echoing Ryan's perspective on the value of these experiences?
Ryan emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues to regulate mood and overall happiness. What are some virtues you prioritize in your life, and how do they impact your well-being?
The concept of self-witnessing was discussed in relation to personal decision-making. How have the promises you’ve made or broken to yourself affected your self-perception and mood?
How do you balance the concepts of "being" versus "doing" in your life? Can you give an example of when you chose to focus on "being" and how it fulfilled you differently than "doing"?
Considering the challenges faced by kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD in today's social and educational environments, as Ryan mentioned, what interventions or changes do you think could support their well-being?
In what ways do you resonate with Ryan's three-dimensional framework for evaluating life choices? Can you share a personal decision that required you to navigate this complex "topographical chessboard"?
Given the idea that our happiness mechanism is wired for social status and genetic outcomes, rather than personal well-being, how do you think we can "hack" our brain's regulation system to better optimize for our own happiness and virtue?


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Episode Transcript

53 min