23 min

E31 Realigning with your WHY and Taking Your Power Back ✨�‪�‬ Pollen: For Creative Entrepreneurs with Diana Davis

    • Careers

People often depict being a creative entrepreneur and running your own business as all rainbows and butterflies. We know the reality is far from a walk in the park — and just how easy it is to get caught up in unrealistic expectations. This hustle mentality pulls you away from the reason you started doing what you do. So what is your why? It’s time to take back your power by grounding into the reason you started this journey in the first place.
In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, Diana talks about the power of returning to your why as a creative entrepreneur. Here, she shares the ups and downs and realizations she had in handling the 7th round of Camp Clarity. When you feel lost in your journey, it's important to work on getting back in touch with your why. Realigning with your why will give you the direction you need to take back your power and move forward with clarity. ✨
Listen to this episode to learn more about how going back to your why helps you take back your power!
Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here. 
🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:
Find out why creative entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey. Learn the mindset that will help you take back your power and break out of the hustle mentality. Discover the powerful results of returning to your WHY as a creative entrepreneur and how Diana did this through creating Camp Clarity! 📘Resources
Start with Why by Simon Sinek Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Talk The Class The Collective Kula Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join the waitlist for Camp Clarity! Want your creative business to go even further? Sign up for Diana’s ASCEND four-month, immersive mastermind experience for elevated entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their next mountain. Join the waitlist here. Want to have one-on-one coaching support from Diana? Check out the brand new Voxer Coaching Container. Attract your dream clients with Diana’s free masterclass!   Access other courses from the Diana Davis Creative Connect with me: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram 🎧Episode Highlights
[01:54] Launching a Group Program
All creatives do a launch of some kind in their journey. You don’t have to be a coach to have a group program. [03:31] Camp Clarity Launch
Diana is currently upstate in Newburgh, NYC.  She just finished the launch of the 7th round of Camp Clarity on October 27. Diana was dealing with a lot of life when launched Camp Clarity. She admitted that each launch of the program has been challenging. [05:21] Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Journey
[05:22] Diana Davis: “Entrepreneurship is such a spiritual journey, like one of the most spiritual journeys you can go on truly because it dredges up all of your stuff. And if you're not working on your personal growth, your entrepreneurship career is going to suffer.” 
Launching is the Ayahuasca of personal growth and entrepreneurship. Ayahuasca brings up all the good and bad stuff. It helps us see how to overcome bad stuff instead of being stuck with it. Going through the process of launching brings up all the bad stuff and activates you in ways you’ve never imagined. Not reaching certain expectations you’ve had in your launch brings up a lot of ego and shadow stuff. [07:13] Handling the 7th Round of Camp Clarity
The round only had four people a week before the launch. The program usually fills up to a group of 12 to 18 people. The main thing about group courses is having deadlines for people to follow. At some point, Diana realized she would be unavailable to push the launch hard. She wanted people to come into the program with

People often depict being a creative entrepreneur and running your own business as all rainbows and butterflies. We know the reality is far from a walk in the park — and just how easy it is to get caught up in unrealistic expectations. This hustle mentality pulls you away from the reason you started doing what you do. So what is your why? It’s time to take back your power by grounding into the reason you started this journey in the first place.
In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, Diana talks about the power of returning to your why as a creative entrepreneur. Here, she shares the ups and downs and realizations she had in handling the 7th round of Camp Clarity. When you feel lost in your journey, it's important to work on getting back in touch with your why. Realigning with your why will give you the direction you need to take back your power and move forward with clarity. ✨
Listen to this episode to learn more about how going back to your why helps you take back your power!
Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here. 
🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:
Find out why creative entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey. Learn the mindset that will help you take back your power and break out of the hustle mentality. Discover the powerful results of returning to your WHY as a creative entrepreneur and how Diana did this through creating Camp Clarity! 📘Resources
Start with Why by Simon Sinek Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Talk The Class The Collective Kula Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join the waitlist for Camp Clarity! Want your creative business to go even further? Sign up for Diana’s ASCEND four-month, immersive mastermind experience for elevated entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their next mountain. Join the waitlist here. Want to have one-on-one coaching support from Diana? Check out the brand new Voxer Coaching Container. Attract your dream clients with Diana’s free masterclass!   Access other courses from the Diana Davis Creative Connect with me: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram 🎧Episode Highlights
[01:54] Launching a Group Program
All creatives do a launch of some kind in their journey. You don’t have to be a coach to have a group program. [03:31] Camp Clarity Launch
Diana is currently upstate in Newburgh, NYC.  She just finished the launch of the 7th round of Camp Clarity on October 27. Diana was dealing with a lot of life when launched Camp Clarity. She admitted that each launch of the program has been challenging. [05:21] Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Journey
[05:22] Diana Davis: “Entrepreneurship is such a spiritual journey, like one of the most spiritual journeys you can go on truly because it dredges up all of your stuff. And if you're not working on your personal growth, your entrepreneurship career is going to suffer.” 
Launching is the Ayahuasca of personal growth and entrepreneurship. Ayahuasca brings up all the good and bad stuff. It helps us see how to overcome bad stuff instead of being stuck with it. Going through the process of launching brings up all the bad stuff and activates you in ways you’ve never imagined. Not reaching certain expectations you’ve had in your launch brings up a lot of ego and shadow stuff. [07:13] Handling the 7th Round of Camp Clarity
The round only had four people a week before the launch. The program usually fills up to a group of 12 to 18 people. The main thing about group courses is having deadlines for people to follow. At some point, Diana realized she would be unavailable to push the launch hard. She wanted people to come into the program with

23 min