51 min

Eat This With Lianne: The Kitchen Sink of Qs With Dr B (VOL 2) Ep 166 EAT THIS with Lianne

    • Nutrition

There are health issues you go to your doctor for...and you may also see a Naturopath, an Osteopath, or maybe a Registered Nutritionist...all in the name of trying to feel better. Have you ever heard of a Functional Medical Doctor (or Specialist)? These individuals come at health in how your body treats the root causes of disease and promotes wellness in each person. 
From your brain to your belly, we are all different, so our treatments can be all different, tailored to what we need when we need it. One of our favourite Functional Medical Marvels is the ever-popular Dr "B." And we have invited him back on the program to answer some of your questions on health. 
Join us for VOLUME 2 of the Kitchen Sink of Questions with Dr. Davis Brockenshire!
For more about Dr. B and the show notes, head to liannephillipson.com 

There are health issues you go to your doctor for...and you may also see a Naturopath, an Osteopath, or maybe a Registered Nutritionist...all in the name of trying to feel better. Have you ever heard of a Functional Medical Doctor (or Specialist)? These individuals come at health in how your body treats the root causes of disease and promotes wellness in each person. 
From your brain to your belly, we are all different, so our treatments can be all different, tailored to what we need when we need it. One of our favourite Functional Medical Marvels is the ever-popular Dr "B." And we have invited him back on the program to answer some of your questions on health. 
Join us for VOLUME 2 of the Kitchen Sink of Questions with Dr. Davis Brockenshire!
For more about Dr. B and the show notes, head to liannephillipson.com 

51 min