30 min

Encounters with Inner Spiritual Guides Eckankar Soul Adventure Podcast

    • Spirituality

Text Us Your Comments“The ECK Masters are tried-and-true instruments of divine love. This love for God fills their hearts and being. They simply must pass it on in wholehearted service to others. For love is life, and life is love. This love pours through them, and there is no way they could contain it even if they wanted to. They are a self-fulfilling law of love.”—Sri Harold Klemp, Those Wonderful ECK MastersShe was on a solo search for truth. She’d been searching for something more than ph...

Text Us Your Comments“The ECK Masters are tried-and-true instruments of divine love. This love for God fills their hearts and being. They simply must pass it on in wholehearted service to others. For love is life, and life is love. This love pours through them, and there is no way they could contain it even if they wanted to. They are a self-fulfilling law of love.”—Sri Harold Klemp, Those Wonderful ECK MastersShe was on a solo search for truth. She’d been searching for something more than ph...

30 min