38 min

Entrepreneur Sara Parthasarathy of Flavor Temptations; Preventing GERD; Chef Jamie Foy and Your New Best Friend - Cooking Pal Passport Mommy

    • Parenting

Sara Parthasarathy started Flavor Temptations with her husband Partha Sabniviss. It is a pre-packaged Indian Spice kit company that started with the goal of introducing families with small children to ethnic foods early and making it easier for home chefs to prepare Indian cuisine. They have now expanded into working with 50 school districts to include Indian foods in their cafeterias.

It’s estimated that up to a third of Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and a significant number of people aren’t even aware they have the condition. Dr. John Pandolfino is the Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Northwestern Medicine and joins Michelle to discuss ways we can prevent and treat GERD.

Chef Jamie Foy chats with Michelle all about the amazing Multo by Cooking Pal. This will be your new best friend in the kitchen! The Multo does it all so you can prepare amazing meals for your children without slaving away in the kitchen. It's great for the mom who needs to multitask. www.cookingpal.com.

*** And Passport Mommy listeners get $250 off on their Back to School Package today!! You will get a Rosle Bowl worth $130 and a free cooking class for the Multo worth $120! Just use promocode MULTOPPM9 at checkout!
Just click https://bit.ly/3cDXXkvutm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=passport_mommy_podcast
Use the coupon code MULTOPPM9***

Sara Parthasarathy started Flavor Temptations with her husband Partha Sabniviss. It is a pre-packaged Indian Spice kit company that started with the goal of introducing families with small children to ethnic foods early and making it easier for home chefs to prepare Indian cuisine. They have now expanded into working with 50 school districts to include Indian foods in their cafeterias.

It’s estimated that up to a third of Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and a significant number of people aren’t even aware they have the condition. Dr. John Pandolfino is the Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Northwestern Medicine and joins Michelle to discuss ways we can prevent and treat GERD.

Chef Jamie Foy chats with Michelle all about the amazing Multo by Cooking Pal. This will be your new best friend in the kitchen! The Multo does it all so you can prepare amazing meals for your children without slaving away in the kitchen. It's great for the mom who needs to multitask. www.cookingpal.com.

*** And Passport Mommy listeners get $250 off on their Back to School Package today!! You will get a Rosle Bowl worth $130 and a free cooking class for the Multo worth $120! Just use promocode MULTOPPM9 at checkout!
Just click https://bit.ly/3cDXXkvutm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=passport_mommy_podcast
Use the coupon code MULTOPPM9***

38 min