7 min

EP 109 - Where is the future of the music industry heading The Music Man Podcast

    • Music Commentary

We are just at the beginning of a new decade. 2020 is here and WOW has it come in with a huge bang. The future of music is always changing and staying up with the trends can be extremely difficult. We’ve seen in the past decade the evolution and emergence of online streaming, digital distribution, YouTube superstars, social media influencers, Kick Starter campaigning, and concerts via live streams just to name a few. Also do you think listeners' attention spans have hit a peak? Will the attention economy create even more fierce competition with how we consume music and entertainment? We’ve seen more artists releasing singles and individual tracks versus releasing EP’s and LP’s. We’ve seen YouTube go from individuals uploading home videos to having its own music, movie, and TV streaming platform. What’s the next possibility of the ever changing music industry? Well let’s take a dive in.

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Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/musicmanpod/support

We are just at the beginning of a new decade. 2020 is here and WOW has it come in with a huge bang. The future of music is always changing and staying up with the trends can be extremely difficult. We’ve seen in the past decade the evolution and emergence of online streaming, digital distribution, YouTube superstars, social media influencers, Kick Starter campaigning, and concerts via live streams just to name a few. Also do you think listeners' attention spans have hit a peak? Will the attention economy create even more fierce competition with how we consume music and entertainment? We’ve seen more artists releasing singles and individual tracks versus releasing EP’s and LP’s. We’ve seen YouTube go from individuals uploading home videos to having its own music, movie, and TV streaming platform. What’s the next possibility of the ever changing music industry? Well let’s take a dive in.

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Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/musicmanpod/support

7 min