25 min

Ep 11: Can passive index fund investing be the new sugar‪?‬ Do Your Research

    • Investing

Passive index fund investing is arguably the most well-accepted wisdom of modern day finance. No one is smart enough to buy low and sell high consistently. And, all you need is to believe in capitalism and put your money in an index fund that is representing the overall market, and that's the winning formula.That's the proven formula of wealth. Or, is it?Borrowing some wisdom from the nutrition and health industry, some times things that are deemed to be not so good for you now were once considered healthy. Sugar was once considered a medicine, and we now have started a  war against it.Can passive index fund investing be the new Sugar?This episode would not be possible without the free and openly available content around the web, especially on YouTube. We are fortunate to live in the golden age of free information. Thank you!​Detailed list of sources:
CBC News YouTube Channel: The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate |
Freakonomics Radio YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2gliEYBo10 |
Fox Business YouTube Channel: 
Vanguard Group founder on how to manage your 401 (k) plan |
Vanguard Group founder on the problem with index funds :

Morningstar, Inc YouTube Channel: Bogle: Keep Investing |
The University of Chicago YouTube Channel: Japan's Economic Bubble and the Lost Decade, with William Tsutsui |
NPR Planet Money Podcast: Japan's Lost Lesson |
oldiesfan1968 YouTube Channel: ITALIAN MUSIC - THAT'S AMORE - ROCCO GRANATA |
Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-funds-passive/index-funds-to-surpass-active-fund-assets-in-u-s-by-2024-moodys-idUSKBN15H1PN |

Passive index fund investing is arguably the most well-accepted wisdom of modern day finance. No one is smart enough to buy low and sell high consistently. And, all you need is to believe in capitalism and put your money in an index fund that is representing the overall market, and that's the winning formula.That's the proven formula of wealth. Or, is it?Borrowing some wisdom from the nutrition and health industry, some times things that are deemed to be not so good for you now were once considered healthy. Sugar was once considered a medicine, and we now have started a  war against it.Can passive index fund investing be the new Sugar?This episode would not be possible without the free and openly available content around the web, especially on YouTube. We are fortunate to live in the golden age of free information. Thank you!​Detailed list of sources:
CBC News YouTube Channel: The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate |
Freakonomics Radio YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2gliEYBo10 |
Fox Business YouTube Channel: 
Vanguard Group founder on how to manage your 401 (k) plan |
Vanguard Group founder on the problem with index funds :

Morningstar, Inc YouTube Channel: Bogle: Keep Investing |
The University of Chicago YouTube Channel: Japan's Economic Bubble and the Lost Decade, with William Tsutsui |
NPR Planet Money Podcast: Japan's Lost Lesson |
oldiesfan1968 YouTube Channel: ITALIAN MUSIC - THAT'S AMORE - ROCCO GRANATA |
Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-funds-passive/index-funds-to-surpass-active-fund-assets-in-u-s-by-2024-moodys-idUSKBN15H1PN |

25 min