28 min

Ep.12: One Incredible Manatee Mom’s Fight to Survive Sea the World with Cindy Simmons

    • Places & Travel

November is Manatee Awareness Month, and we have a story that is sure to stick with you long after the episode’s over. Hear from our veterinary and rescue teams about this special mother manatee, who was rescued after being severely injured by a boat strike, and the exemplary care the team has provided to ensure she and her calf have a chance to survive.

November is Manatee Awareness Month, and we have a story that is sure to stick with you long after the episode’s over. Hear from our veterinary and rescue teams about this special mother manatee, who was rescued after being severely injured by a boat strike, and the exemplary care the team has provided to ensure she and her calf have a chance to survive.

28 min