59 min

Ep 17: Find Your Nursing Soulmate- Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, HWNC-BC Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!

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Ep 17: Find Your Nursing Soulmate- Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, HWNC-BC Highlights
“One of the great joys in this profession of Nursing is having found like-minded soulmates. As I continue, one of the joys is tapping in with like-minded brothers and sisters, finding those special few that…I can put an idea out there and they won't think I'm crazy.”
Find a soulmate, who will listen to you, who appreciates what you share, and who will take the time to ask you questions. This is who will keep you steady.Explore who you are and what your purpose is. Get clear on your core values.It is a privilege to listen to the story of a patient.Consider writing down all your ideas, then once a month, lay them all out in a mind map. You will see the threads that connect your small threads and ideas into one larger idea.Emotional resilience is learning how to downregulate and be in touch with emotions.Evelyn Underhill’s 5 phases of mysticism and why Florence Nightingale is a 19th century mystic.We don’t have to have all the pieces; we just need to begin.Why having a soft front and a strong back coupled with grounded self-practices helps us stay in the essence of compassion and empathy and not fall into sympathy and pity.Nurse Coaches don’t have to fix anything.How one step can contribute to the long vision of Nurse Coaching and bigger ideas like the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.One goal Barbie is working towards now and why she put her red handled 5 pound weights on her desk.Links from Podcast Interview
17 Sustainable Development Goals United Nations
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Dossey and Dossey Website
Evelyn Underhill Mysticism
Florence Nightingale’s voice recorded in July 1890 by Thomas Alva Edison's assistant in London
Healthy People Healthy Nation
Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation
Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment Tool
Integrative Nurse Coach Association
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

Theory of Integral Nursing
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting 
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting 
Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!
Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!

Ep 17: Find Your Nursing Soulmate- Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, HWNC-BC Highlights
“One of the great joys in this profession of Nursing is having found like-minded soulmates. As I continue, one of the joys is tapping in with like-minded brothers and sisters, finding those special few that…I can put an idea out there and they won't think I'm crazy.”
Find a soulmate, who will listen to you, who appreciates what you share, and who will take the time to ask you questions. This is who will keep you steady.Explore who you are and what your purpose is. Get clear on your core values.It is a privilege to listen to the story of a patient.Consider writing down all your ideas, then once a month, lay them all out in a mind map. You will see the threads that connect your small threads and ideas into one larger idea.Emotional resilience is learning how to downregulate and be in touch with emotions.Evelyn Underhill’s 5 phases of mysticism and why Florence Nightingale is a 19th century mystic.We don’t have to have all the pieces; we just need to begin.Why having a soft front and a strong back coupled with grounded self-practices helps us stay in the essence of compassion and empathy and not fall into sympathy and pity.Nurse Coaches don’t have to fix anything.How one step can contribute to the long vision of Nurse Coaching and bigger ideas like the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.One goal Barbie is working towards now and why she put her red handled 5 pound weights on her desk.Links from Podcast Interview
17 Sustainable Development Goals United Nations
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Dossey and Dossey Website
Evelyn Underhill Mysticism
Florence Nightingale’s voice recorded in July 1890 by Thomas Alva Edison's assistant in London
Healthy People Healthy Nation
Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation
Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment Tool
Integrative Nurse Coach Association
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

Theory of Integral Nursing
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting 
Integrative Nurse Coach Academy I Integr Our mission is to provide nurses with a global community for learning, networking, and reconnecting 
Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses!
Please leave us a 5 star rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!

59 min