42 min

Ep 182 - Turning Stress into Strength: Lessons on Mental Toughness with Chris Schwagerl 3 Degrees of Freedom

    • Investing

Looking to upgrade your mindset and productivity? Accomplished performance psychologist Chris Schwagerl shares research-backed tactics on the show today.With 18 years in mental health and 10 as an entrepreneur, Chris developed the internationally bestselling STARS method which integrates 11 theories into a productivity system.In this interview, Chris and host Derek dive deep into powerful strategies to help you thrive, including:👉Avoiding burnout and finding your optimal workload👉Transforming...

Looking to upgrade your mindset and productivity? Accomplished performance psychologist Chris Schwagerl shares research-backed tactics on the show today.With 18 years in mental health and 10 as an entrepreneur, Chris developed the internationally bestselling STARS method which integrates 11 theories into a productivity system.In this interview, Chris and host Derek dive deep into powerful strategies to help you thrive, including:👉Avoiding burnout and finding your optimal workload👉Transforming...

42 min