53 min

Ep. 204: "One Health", and Innovations in Agricultural Disease Surveillance - Dr. Alan Rudolph Halteres Presents

    • Life Sciences

On this week's episode, Rich Thayer and Mickey Urdea are interviewing Dr. Alan Rudolph, who has had an active career in translating interdisciplinary life sciences into useful applications for biotechnology development in academia, government laboratories, and the nonprofit and private sectors. Dr. Rudolph spearheads a wide-ranging discussion on innovations in disease surveillance in agriculture, the viability of developing veterinary diagnostics tests, what "One Health" represents for whole ecosystem health, and the values of longitudinal sampling, among many other interesting topics. Sit down and tune into this electric discussion with Dr. Alan Rudolph.

Dr. Alan Rudolph is the former Vice President for Research at Colorado State University, and a former member of the Senior Executive Service, having served as the Director for Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate, Research and Development Enterprise, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

On this week's episode, Rich Thayer and Mickey Urdea are interviewing Dr. Alan Rudolph, who has had an active career in translating interdisciplinary life sciences into useful applications for biotechnology development in academia, government laboratories, and the nonprofit and private sectors. Dr. Rudolph spearheads a wide-ranging discussion on innovations in disease surveillance in agriculture, the viability of developing veterinary diagnostics tests, what "One Health" represents for whole ecosystem health, and the values of longitudinal sampling, among many other interesting topics. Sit down and tune into this electric discussion with Dr. Alan Rudolph.

Dr. Alan Rudolph is the former Vice President for Research at Colorado State University, and a former member of the Senior Executive Service, having served as the Director for Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate, Research and Development Enterprise, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

53 min