10 min

Ep 3: People & Relationships: The Power of Relationships and Accountability Mach 5 Leadership

    • How To

In this episode, Tom Heemstra discuss the importance of people and relationships in leadership. They introduce the B-do-become triangle that helps individuals and organizations assess who they area and how they can become great leaders. The podcast also highlights the importance of accountability, character, competence, and chemistry in leadership, and Kouzes and Posner's research on the top 17 characteristics of admired leaders. Finally, they discuss investing in people and the story of Norm...

In this episode, Tom Heemstra discuss the importance of people and relationships in leadership. They introduce the B-do-become triangle that helps individuals and organizations assess who they area and how they can become great leaders. The podcast also highlights the importance of accountability, character, competence, and chemistry in leadership, and Kouzes and Posner's research on the top 17 characteristics of admired leaders. Finally, they discuss investing in people and the story of Norm...

10 min