15 min

Ep. 33 - Seniors and Cancer The Caregiver's Toolbox

    • Medicine

Last week I saw a disturbing article on how 40% of new cancers are because of obesity, this figure certainly includes seniors and cancer. For the majority of people, these are self-inflicted wounds of years of being overweight. I wrote an article about this topic but thought we needed to do a podcast on this [...]
The post Seniors and Cancer appeared first on Minute Women Home Care.

Last week I saw a disturbing article on how 40% of new cancers are because of obesity, this figure certainly includes seniors and cancer. For the majority of people, these are self-inflicted wounds of years of being overweight. I wrote an article about this topic but thought we needed to do a podcast on this [...]
The post Seniors and Cancer appeared first on Minute Women Home Care.

15 min