40 min

EP 34 Is Tarot Evil‪?‬ True Spirituality with Ange

    • Spirituality

There is a lot of things that religious people find evil and tarot is definitely one of them. The question I want to explore is: are they right? This is the first of a series of episodes on the tarot as I would like to share the wisdom I have acquired about the tarot in the eighteen years that I have been studying and practising as a professional tarot reader.

I started the episode by sharing some definitions of evil and of tarot. I want you to know that as far as I am concerned, people who use the word evil make me edgy. The word makes me edgy. It is linked to immorality and wickedness, but even those two concepts are fluid and mean completely different things to different people. Plus over time, the concept of those things have changed. A hundred years ago, it was considered immoral to be in a same sex relationship. By whose standards? Homosexuality was a crime in Europe. The same people who condemned the LGBT community as perverse had been torturing and killing people for thousands of years in the name of God. Just a little double standard here.

In that time, did the tarot kill or torture anyone? Of course not. This being said, I see the tarot as a tool, not unlike knives. It can harm people, either the reader or the querent, if not used properly, so it should always be used with caution.

In the episode, I also explore the origins of tarot and mention a booked called The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, specifically chapter five of that book. It puts the whole original of tarot in an entirely different context and actually explains why the Catholic Church, which, at the time of the Inquisition, was trying to establish its authority over the Church of Amor and was ready to do anything to take over the ultimate power. That is why it condemned the tarot as heretic. I am sure you will find what I share in the episode fascinating.

I then go on to share the seven biggest myths around the tarot, which I will list here briefly:

You can only be given a deck of tarot, and should not buy your own You have to be psychic to read the tarot You must never read for yourself Tarot is evil If you charge of your readings, you get bad karma Tarot tells you about your future You should not have more than one reading per year
I expand on each of these myths, so that you understand what is false and what is true, because there are a lot of false information circulating about the tarot. I trained both with a local psychic medium who was a professional tarot reader and the Tarot School of New York. I even taught classes for people who wanted to learn the tarot, in person for a year. I now offer one to one online tuitions within my Get it Done package, for £199 a month (price valid at the time of the recording of this episode and subject to change). It's both a series of training videos plus me mentoring you as you learn and answering all of your questions. To secure your package, use this link.

There is a lot of things that religious people find evil and tarot is definitely one of them. The question I want to explore is: are they right? This is the first of a series of episodes on the tarot as I would like to share the wisdom I have acquired about the tarot in the eighteen years that I have been studying and practising as a professional tarot reader.

I started the episode by sharing some definitions of evil and of tarot. I want you to know that as far as I am concerned, people who use the word evil make me edgy. The word makes me edgy. It is linked to immorality and wickedness, but even those two concepts are fluid and mean completely different things to different people. Plus over time, the concept of those things have changed. A hundred years ago, it was considered immoral to be in a same sex relationship. By whose standards? Homosexuality was a crime in Europe. The same people who condemned the LGBT community as perverse had been torturing and killing people for thousands of years in the name of God. Just a little double standard here.

In that time, did the tarot kill or torture anyone? Of course not. This being said, I see the tarot as a tool, not unlike knives. It can harm people, either the reader or the querent, if not used properly, so it should always be used with caution.

In the episode, I also explore the origins of tarot and mention a booked called The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, specifically chapter five of that book. It puts the whole original of tarot in an entirely different context and actually explains why the Catholic Church, which, at the time of the Inquisition, was trying to establish its authority over the Church of Amor and was ready to do anything to take over the ultimate power. That is why it condemned the tarot as heretic. I am sure you will find what I share in the episode fascinating.

I then go on to share the seven biggest myths around the tarot, which I will list here briefly:

You can only be given a deck of tarot, and should not buy your own You have to be psychic to read the tarot You must never read for yourself Tarot is evil If you charge of your readings, you get bad karma Tarot tells you about your future You should not have more than one reading per year
I expand on each of these myths, so that you understand what is false and what is true, because there are a lot of false information circulating about the tarot. I trained both with a local psychic medium who was a professional tarot reader and the Tarot School of New York. I even taught classes for people who wanted to learn the tarot, in person for a year. I now offer one to one online tuitions within my Get it Done package, for £199 a month (price valid at the time of the recording of this episode and subject to change). It's both a series of training videos plus me mentoring you as you learn and answering all of your questions. To secure your package, use this link.

40 min