41 min

Ep 377 - Christie Hunter Arscott My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston

    • Mental Health

In this episode I speak with Christie Hunter Arscott, Rhodes Scholar and author of "Begin Boldly: How Women Can Reimagine Risk, Embrace Uncertainty, and Launch A Brilliant Career," whose wakeup call was having confidence when she was younger and losing it when she became a consultant for a big company in New York and her determination to get her courage back. https://christiehunterarscott.com/

In this episode I speak with Christie Hunter Arscott, Rhodes Scholar and author of "Begin Boldly: How Women Can Reimagine Risk, Embrace Uncertainty, and Launch A Brilliant Career," whose wakeup call was having confidence when she was younger and losing it when she became a consultant for a big company in New York and her determination to get her courage back. https://christiehunterarscott.com/

41 min