50 min

Ep 67: Feature with Domonique: Faith and Freedom to Be You Creator to CEOs #CREATEIT Like a Boss with Katrina Julia

    • Entrepreneurship

Crazy Confidence with Domonique Bouldrick
Confident Woman, Boss Babe, Wife, Strategy and Corporate Development at Porsche, Furniture Maker, Hunter and more!
We talk about Faith and Freedom to Be You
........Feature Spotlight
We talk all things on how we connected via Bridge Community
Domonique talks about influence and faith from a young age of her Grandma, and speaking publicly and confidently early on surprising herself!
We will get into:
1 Domonique's Story
2 How We Connected at Bridge Community in Atlanta
3 Taking Leaps of Faith from College to Corporate: PepsiCo + Porsche
4 Mindset and Confidence and Growth
5 Freely and Confidently Being Yourself
6 Being Open to Flow
7 Whats Next and Tips
What if…
What if you handled your mindset?
What if you knew you are not alone?
What if you tuned in with those in the journey?
What if you created smart with tips, tools, and tech?
What if you created what you loved?
What if you created a 6 Pack of Wealth?
What if you had a road map for your brand?
What if you built with the foundation to succeed?
What if you were clear on how to create stability?
What if you saw and grew the limitless possibilities?
What if you inspired with influence and creating community?
Imagine the return…
Imagine the results…
It is possible to create it. How do I know?
Because I took ALL the education and experience from industries and brands served, and we did just that. I took over 20 years in over 7 industries, creating communities, compensation plans, and now over 3 years immersing in influencer marketing, and we did just that.
How did we do it?
I figured it was time to share it to serve others.
For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served over 7 industries + over 15 brands generating up 7 to 9 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears.
Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed.
Here is to you creating a life and business you love step by step.
Hear all about Ep 67: Feature with Domonique: Faith and Freedom to Be You
ps. visit https://www.fitlifecreation.com/freebies

Crazy Confidence with Domonique Bouldrick
Confident Woman, Boss Babe, Wife, Strategy and Corporate Development at Porsche, Furniture Maker, Hunter and more!
We talk about Faith and Freedom to Be You
........Feature Spotlight
We talk all things on how we connected via Bridge Community
Domonique talks about influence and faith from a young age of her Grandma, and speaking publicly and confidently early on surprising herself!
We will get into:
1 Domonique's Story
2 How We Connected at Bridge Community in Atlanta
3 Taking Leaps of Faith from College to Corporate: PepsiCo + Porsche
4 Mindset and Confidence and Growth
5 Freely and Confidently Being Yourself
6 Being Open to Flow
7 Whats Next and Tips
What if…
What if you handled your mindset?
What if you knew you are not alone?
What if you tuned in with those in the journey?
What if you created smart with tips, tools, and tech?
What if you created what you loved?
What if you created a 6 Pack of Wealth?
What if you had a road map for your brand?
What if you built with the foundation to succeed?
What if you were clear on how to create stability?
What if you saw and grew the limitless possibilities?
What if you inspired with influence and creating community?
Imagine the return…
Imagine the results…
It is possible to create it. How do I know?
Because I took ALL the education and experience from industries and brands served, and we did just that. I took over 20 years in over 7 industries, creating communities, compensation plans, and now over 3 years immersing in influencer marketing, and we did just that.
How did we do it?
I figured it was time to share it to serve others.
For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served over 7 industries + over 15 brands generating up 7 to 9 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears.
Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed.
Here is to you creating a life and business you love step by step.
Hear all about Ep 67: Feature with Domonique: Faith and Freedom to Be You
ps. visit https://www.fitlifecreation.com/freebies

50 min