59 min

Ep. 96 - John Barnes & Myofascial Release Behind the Warrior

    • Non-Profit

Are you one of the hundreds of EOD Techs that deal with chronic pain, or PTSD? Join us this week for a fascinating interview with John F. Barnes, PT, an internationally recognized physical therapist, lecturer, author, and the leading authority on Myofascial Release. Through his 50 years of experience and creative insight, he has developed an innovative and highly effective whole body approach for the evaluation and treatment of pain and dysfunction.Myofascial Release has exploded ...

Are you one of the hundreds of EOD Techs that deal with chronic pain, or PTSD? Join us this week for a fascinating interview with John F. Barnes, PT, an internationally recognized physical therapist, lecturer, author, and the leading authority on Myofascial Release. Through his 50 years of experience and creative insight, he has developed an innovative and highly effective whole body approach for the evaluation and treatment of pain and dysfunction.Myofascial Release has exploded ...

59 min