16 min

EP09 Developing Organization Skills in Your Homeschool In Due Season Homeschool; Your Guide to Living Well Throughout Your Homeschool Journey

    • Education for Kids

Organization SkillsSummary

Keeping students organized. 0:05

This episode is about keeping students organized and helping them help themselves. Amber J. Smith from 200fingersandtoes.com shares the tried and true methods used in the twenty years of homeschooling her own huge family of ten.

Amber shares ORGANIZING tips and tools to help you create your best homeschooling experience yet.

How do we help our kids be organized? 1:59

How to help keep kids organized. Minimize the amount of things they have to navigate and take care of each day.

How parents can help their children develop a sense of organization.

Making the playroom fun. 3:45

Make it fun, even in the messy playroom, by finding all the trash in the room and having buckets for toys to categorize and organize.

Create some hinge points in the day.

How to develop organization in your home? 5:28

Having a way to develop organization. My oldest is 23, and the bookshelf has gone through many homeschooling reiterations.

One of the ways that we helped keep the kids organized with their personal items was by buying a toolbox for each child and their own toolbox.

How to organize your school supplies? 7:53

She bought one for each child in the house and all of their workbooks and reading books fit in that bucket. She also bought them all the supplies they needed at the beginning of the year.

Then she created a supply station for herself.

Backup supplies for homeschooling. 9:57

All of the back-up supplies were in some of the teaching textbooks. All of the other items were in the teacher binder.

She created The 30 Day Homeschool Reset course to help with building accountability.

Accountability for the parent first. 11:47

The importance of creating a habit of creating order and being organized.

How to be intentional and show up to school prepared and ready on task with what they need for the day and anticipate their needs with resources and tools.

How to build a habit of being responsible. 14:10

Look at your homeschooling space and see if you are helping or hurting in your organization. Look for creative ways to solve the problems that you are looking at in building an organization.

Check out a blog post that shares some of the tools used for organization in homeschool.

Organization SkillsSummary

Keeping students organized. 0:05

This episode is about keeping students organized and helping them help themselves. Amber J. Smith from 200fingersandtoes.com shares the tried and true methods used in the twenty years of homeschooling her own huge family of ten.

Amber shares ORGANIZING tips and tools to help you create your best homeschooling experience yet.

How do we help our kids be organized? 1:59

How to help keep kids organized. Minimize the amount of things they have to navigate and take care of each day.

How parents can help their children develop a sense of organization.

Making the playroom fun. 3:45

Make it fun, even in the messy playroom, by finding all the trash in the room and having buckets for toys to categorize and organize.

Create some hinge points in the day.

How to develop organization in your home? 5:28

Having a way to develop organization. My oldest is 23, and the bookshelf has gone through many homeschooling reiterations.

One of the ways that we helped keep the kids organized with their personal items was by buying a toolbox for each child and their own toolbox.

How to organize your school supplies? 7:53

She bought one for each child in the house and all of their workbooks and reading books fit in that bucket. She also bought them all the supplies they needed at the beginning of the year.

Then she created a supply station for herself.

Backup supplies for homeschooling. 9:57

All of the back-up supplies were in some of the teaching textbooks. All of the other items were in the teacher binder.

She created The 30 Day Homeschool Reset course to help with building accountability.

Accountability for the parent first. 11:47

The importance of creating a habit of creating order and being organized.

How to be intentional and show up to school prepared and ready on task with what they need for the day and anticipate their needs with resources and tools.

How to build a habit of being responsible. 14:10

Look at your homeschooling space and see if you are helping or hurting in your organization. Look for creative ways to solve the problems that you are looking at in building an organization.

Check out a blog post that shares some of the tools used for organization in homeschool.

16 min