34 min

EP289 Kevin Hancock Timeless Wisdom of Native Peoples, Nature, and Shared Leadership Sheryl Sitts - Exploring Possibilities Podcast -Holistic Spiritual Living – Journey of Possiblities

    • Alternative Health

Kevin Hancock, multi-award-winning Author, Speaker, Chairman and CEO of Hancock Lumber (http://www.thebusinessofsharedleadership.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (http://www.sherylsitts.com) to discuss:

* His beautiful new publication 48 Whispers (available at https://amzn.to/3IlyeYj with a small gratuity supporting this show at no additional cost to you) and the path that led him to visit them and begin learning from their lifestyles and ideals* They explore the topic of finding ones voice, all the ways in which we can feel dis-empowered and unable to speak or express our truth, and the importance of being able to express ourselves authentically * What he learned from the native populations and what he feels he was able to give them* Kevin really expands on how these trips and the creation of this book has impacted how he is within his business, family, and community* He spotlights some of the differences that are possible in business when employees feel fully seen and valued, and the role of spirituality in business* Sheryl puts him on the spot asking if he is saying it is possible to focus on the well-being and satisfaction of all employees and still run a profitable business, and he says it is possible to maximize company profits by focusing on maximizing employee wellness* Kevin explores the topic of leadership and what he learned about leadership from nature in the Arizona desert* They discuss how his lumber company gives back through sustainable reforesting in Maine* They talk about a couple of the 48 Whispers from his book concerning “putting work back in its place” and “Okay, so now what” inquiring as to what we can do to move forward individually and collectively from here* Sheryl asks Kevin what is next for him, and finds his answer both surprising and delightful

…and so much more. Enjoy!

Sheryl & Mario Rosales (https://www.MarioRosales.com) invest time, money and energy into this show with the intent that it help us all remember who we really are. Your financial support is deeply appreciated at https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com/Support. Thank you!

Kevin Hancock, multi-award-winning Author, Speaker, Chairman and CEO of Hancock Lumber (http://www.thebusinessofsharedleadership.com) visits with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities Coach & Holistic Practitioner (http://www.sherylsitts.com) to discuss:

* His beautiful new publication 48 Whispers (available at https://amzn.to/3IlyeYj with a small gratuity supporting this show at no additional cost to you) and the path that led him to visit them and begin learning from their lifestyles and ideals* They explore the topic of finding ones voice, all the ways in which we can feel dis-empowered and unable to speak or express our truth, and the importance of being able to express ourselves authentically * What he learned from the native populations and what he feels he was able to give them* Kevin really expands on how these trips and the creation of this book has impacted how he is within his business, family, and community* He spotlights some of the differences that are possible in business when employees feel fully seen and valued, and the role of spirituality in business* Sheryl puts him on the spot asking if he is saying it is possible to focus on the well-being and satisfaction of all employees and still run a profitable business, and he says it is possible to maximize company profits by focusing on maximizing employee wellness* Kevin explores the topic of leadership and what he learned about leadership from nature in the Arizona desert* They discuss how his lumber company gives back through sustainable reforesting in Maine* They talk about a couple of the 48 Whispers from his book concerning “putting work back in its place” and “Okay, so now what” inquiring as to what we can do to move forward individually and collectively from here* Sheryl asks Kevin what is next for him, and finds his answer both surprising and delightful

…and so much more. Enjoy!

Sheryl & Mario Rosales (https://www.MarioRosales.com) invest time, money and energy into this show with the intent that it help us all remember who we really are. Your financial support is deeply appreciated at https://www.JourneyOfPossibilities.com/Support. Thank you!

34 min