33 min

EP3 Laura Lane - Solo Traveling, Starting Your Own Business and Always Learning Hey It Gets Better

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode, Katie is joined by Laura Lane. They chat about a range of topics from solo travelling, starting your own business, always learning and overcoming traumatic moments in your journey. Laura is a fantastic woman who is a great example that you don't have to just do one thing in your life, not only has she started her own business but now she is also training to be a personal trainer. Her story is amazing and she is still writing it, I can't wait to see what is next for her. Visit My Icon Story at https://www.myiconstory.com/ or follow them on Instagram @myiconstory 

Subscribe and give us a rating wherever you listen to your podcasts and follow us on Instagram @heyitgetsbetter 

In this episode, Katie is joined by Laura Lane. They chat about a range of topics from solo travelling, starting your own business, always learning and overcoming traumatic moments in your journey. Laura is a fantastic woman who is a great example that you don't have to just do one thing in your life, not only has she started her own business but now she is also training to be a personal trainer. Her story is amazing and she is still writing it, I can't wait to see what is next for her. Visit My Icon Story at https://www.myiconstory.com/ or follow them on Instagram @myiconstory 

Subscribe and give us a rating wherever you listen to your podcasts and follow us on Instagram @heyitgetsbetter 

33 min