39 min

EP9 - Trish Thomas & Nichole Wilson (Co-founders at Every Body Eat®‪)‬ Unstuck

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Trish Thomas and Nichole Wilson are the Co-Founders of Every Body Eat® – a snack food company that has created a range of foods for almost every specialist diet. Over 60% of Americans follow a special diet in some form, and Trish and Nichole believe this shouldn’t be a reason to avoid eating out or sharing food with friends. In their own words, “Every body has a seat at their table”.

Listen to this episode of Unstuck to find out how Trish and Nichole forged a formidable friendship and business partnership, how their differing careers prepared them for entrepreneurship, and how they avoid getting stuck!

Trish Thomas and Nichole Wilson are the Co-Founders of Every Body Eat® – a snack food company that has created a range of foods for almost every specialist diet. Over 60% of Americans follow a special diet in some form, and Trish and Nichole believe this shouldn’t be a reason to avoid eating out or sharing food with friends. In their own words, “Every body has a seat at their table”.

Listen to this episode of Unstuck to find out how Trish and Nichole forged a formidable friendship and business partnership, how their differing careers prepared them for entrepreneurship, and how they avoid getting stuck!

39 min