30 min

Episode 1: Coming to terms with aged care Keeping Mum

    • Relationships

Welcome to Keeping Mum, a podcast that lifts the lid on caregiving and shares the stories and learnings of those who've joined this illustrious but often invisible club.
Host Megan Gannon is on a mission to connect with fellow carers and raise the profile of caregiving - which currently includes more than 2.7 million Australians (that's 1 in 8 people). Given our ageing population and the changing pressures on our health and welfare systems, it’s something most of us will have to deal with at some point... And some point soon.
In this episode, Megan chats with aged care consultant and advocate Nicole Dunn. Nicole  was 32 when she made the life-changing decision to become her grandmother’s live-in carer. We talk about navigating the aged care landscape (spoiler: it's tricky) and how it inspired Nicole to launch her own consultancy, Empower Aged Care.

Welcome to Keeping Mum, a podcast that lifts the lid on caregiving and shares the stories and learnings of those who've joined this illustrious but often invisible club.
Host Megan Gannon is on a mission to connect with fellow carers and raise the profile of caregiving - which currently includes more than 2.7 million Australians (that's 1 in 8 people). Given our ageing population and the changing pressures on our health and welfare systems, it’s something most of us will have to deal with at some point... And some point soon.
In this episode, Megan chats with aged care consultant and advocate Nicole Dunn. Nicole  was 32 when she made the life-changing decision to become her grandmother’s live-in carer. We talk about navigating the aged care landscape (spoiler: it's tricky) and how it inspired Nicole to launch her own consultancy, Empower Aged Care.

30 min