1 hr 5 min

Ep. 1 | How I found my spouse without a cell phone 5 Great Questions

    • Philosophy

Episode 1
Alden Olmsted
Donald J. Johnson

Welcome to The 5 Great Questions podcast, where I ask people interesting questions, and you get to hear their answers.

My first guest on my first episode is longtime friend and film collaborator Donald J. Johnson. Don is an author and filmmaker and devoted family road tripper, and has a great answer to the question "How did you meet your spouse without a cell phone."

I introduce the podcast and welcome Don, and he shares a recent anecdote from a trip to the upper Midwest to set up his story. Following his great story we both wax about the differences between reality and life online, the dangerous nature of technology and what we've unleashed, and share our opinions about how to keep healthy risk alive in a digital age.

Like to be on a future episode? Let me know at: alden5@spreaker.com

Stories and blogs on Medium:

Donald J. Johnson and Runaway Planet Pictures:

Episode 1
Alden Olmsted
Donald J. Johnson

Welcome to The 5 Great Questions podcast, where I ask people interesting questions, and you get to hear their answers.

My first guest on my first episode is longtime friend and film collaborator Donald J. Johnson. Don is an author and filmmaker and devoted family road tripper, and has a great answer to the question "How did you meet your spouse without a cell phone."

I introduce the podcast and welcome Don, and he shares a recent anecdote from a trip to the upper Midwest to set up his story. Following his great story we both wax about the differences between reality and life online, the dangerous nature of technology and what we've unleashed, and share our opinions about how to keep healthy risk alive in a digital age.

Like to be on a future episode? Let me know at: alden5@spreaker.com

Stories and blogs on Medium:

Donald J. Johnson and Runaway Planet Pictures:

1 hr 5 min