17 min

Episode 101: 3 Steps to Know When to End Things Prolific Living » The Daily Interaction

    • Careers

Why We Need to End Even A Good Thing
Welcome to Episode 101 and the final episode for The Daily Interaction show. Today's topic is why and how we need to end even good things in life. You know that nagging voice in the back of your head that says you need to get out of something, or do something else with your time? Everything may be going great in your business, or your relationship, or even your job, and a part of you just stops being totally into it. That's when the voice in your head starts talking louder and louder.

If you ignore the voice, it will keep harassing you until you listen. You cannot continue ignoring your inner voice without consequences. I ignored my inner voice for years when I was at corporate - and finally, I was able to get out of that job and into my business because the voice got louder and louder.

You have inner wisdom. You know best what's right for you. In that example, my inner voice knew that I am not made for a corporate career, and I was meant to walk the entrepreneurship path - and it was right.

So how do you listen to your inner voice and gather enough information so you make the right decision? In this episode, I talk about the 3-step process that is very useful when you apply it overtime you hear that voice complaining about something you are doing - and this can be something very bad such as a toxic relationship or something very good such as a cushy lucrative easy job.

Get very curious. Curiosity quiets the self-judgement and heavens knows we have more than enough judgment to deal with, and curiosity opens the door to clarity.
Observe what is happening. Observe why you are feeling this way. Observe a lot and ask yourself questions.
Be gentle and kind to yourself. We are very fragile and vulnerable on the inside. So exercise plenty of kindness in your dialogue as you gather your information.

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Why I Am Ending the Daily Interaction Podcast

As you may have guessed, the nagging voice came to me a while ago about my beloved podcast, and I did the most natural thing of all: I completely ignored it.

Until I could not ignore it anymore.

This is a perfect example of when you hear the nagging voice about the good and even great things in your life.

Why would you want to end something good?

Why would you want to stop doing something that brings you and others usefulness and even joy?

So I went through my 3-step process, and when I got very curious and observed why I am feeling this way, I realized it is not because I don't love podcasting and creating something that you enjoy. Of course I do. There are just other pressing projects, books, commitments and works that call my name and need my attention.

To all my listeners: THANK YOU for your love. Stay tuned for more! 

This marks the final podcast of The Daily Interaction Show. I am proud to say that the podcast was sponsor-free and ad-free and completely free for 2 years, and that I produced a show for you every week except 2 random weeks where life and circumstance simply overpowered me. We had a great run, and you can access the entire archives anytime.

Going forward, the focus will be on Prolific Living blog, as well as other surprise works I have in store for you.

Hop on the list below not to miss a beat, and stay confident, stay brilliant, and share your thoughts on how you end things in your life when the time is right and when that inner voice beckons you to do so.

Why We Need to End Even A Good Thing
Welcome to Episode 101 and the final episode for The Daily Interaction show. Today's topic is why and how we need to end even good things in life. You know that nagging voice in the back of your head that says you need to get out of something, or do something else with your time? Everything may be going great in your business, or your relationship, or even your job, and a part of you just stops being totally into it. That's when the voice in your head starts talking louder and louder.

If you ignore the voice, it will keep harassing you until you listen. You cannot continue ignoring your inner voice without consequences. I ignored my inner voice for years when I was at corporate - and finally, I was able to get out of that job and into my business because the voice got louder and louder.

You have inner wisdom. You know best what's right for you. In that example, my inner voice knew that I am not made for a corporate career, and I was meant to walk the entrepreneurship path - and it was right.

So how do you listen to your inner voice and gather enough information so you make the right decision? In this episode, I talk about the 3-step process that is very useful when you apply it overtime you hear that voice complaining about something you are doing - and this can be something very bad such as a toxic relationship or something very good such as a cushy lucrative easy job.

Get very curious. Curiosity quiets the self-judgement and heavens knows we have more than enough judgment to deal with, and curiosity opens the door to clarity.
Observe what is happening. Observe why you are feeling this way. Observe a lot and ask yourself questions.
Be gentle and kind to yourself. We are very fragile and vulnerable on the inside. So exercise plenty of kindness in your dialogue as you gather your information.

The iTunes Page: Subscribe & download!
The RSS Feed: Follow the Feed!
Listen to the show:
Why I Am Ending the Daily Interaction Podcast

As you may have guessed, the nagging voice came to me a while ago about my beloved podcast, and I did the most natural thing of all: I completely ignored it.

Until I could not ignore it anymore.

This is a perfect example of when you hear the nagging voice about the good and even great things in your life.

Why would you want to end something good?

Why would you want to stop doing something that brings you and others usefulness and even joy?

So I went through my 3-step process, and when I got very curious and observed why I am feeling this way, I realized it is not because I don't love podcasting and creating something that you enjoy. Of course I do. There are just other pressing projects, books, commitments and works that call my name and need my attention.

To all my listeners: THANK YOU for your love. Stay tuned for more! 

This marks the final podcast of The Daily Interaction Show. I am proud to say that the podcast was sponsor-free and ad-free and completely free for 2 years, and that I produced a show for you every week except 2 random weeks where life and circumstance simply overpowered me. We had a great run, and you can access the entire archives anytime.

Going forward, the focus will be on Prolific Living blog, as well as other surprise works I have in store for you.

Hop on the list below not to miss a beat, and stay confident, stay brilliant, and share your thoughts on how you end things in your life when the time is right and when that inner voice beckons you to do so.

17 min