32 min

Episode 112: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: 3 Key Beliefs Blocking Women Entrepreneurial Consultants Black Girls Consult TOO!

    • Entrepreneurship

Send me a text message and get your questions answered on the podcast! I'd love to hear from you! As women, we've long been aware of the glass ceiling that hinders our ascent to the top of our industries. Despite making slow and steady progress, many of us choose to shatter the glass ceiling on our own terms. However, despite our ambition, we often find ourselves stalled on our journey, facing mental barriers rooted in societal constructs designed to maintain the status quo. These limiting be...

Send me a text message and get your questions answered on the podcast! I'd love to hear from you! As women, we've long been aware of the glass ceiling that hinders our ascent to the top of our industries. Despite making slow and steady progress, many of us choose to shatter the glass ceiling on our own terms. However, despite our ambition, we often find ourselves stalled on our journey, facing mental barriers rooted in societal constructs designed to maintain the status quo. These limiting be...

32 min