21 min

Episode 1560 - Masters athletes as primary agers #PTonICE Daily Show

    • Fitness

Dr. Christina Prevett // #GeriOnICE // www.ptonice.com 

In today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show, Modern Management of the Older Adult division leader Christina Prevett discusses masters athletes who challenge negative age paradigms and serve as role models for younger generations. 
According to the episode, the decline in physiological systems can be attributed to both aging and other factors such as inactivity, sedentary behavior, obesity, and chronic diseases. It can be challenging to distinguish between changes in physiological systems solely due to the natural aging process and those influenced by these other factors. However, Christina suggests that psychosocial factors also play a role in positive aging. Factors like loneliness, connectedness, sense of purpose, and the ability to make healthcare decisions not only for oneself but also for others contribute to positive aging. These psychosocial factors are independent of physical capacity and can help individuals maintain a positive aging experience.
Christina emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining relationships, connectedness, and the capacity to learn, grow, and contribute in the context of healthy aging. These aspects are relevant not only for older adults but also for all generations, including Gen X, Gen Z, millennials, boomers, and masters athletes.
Loneliness is a significant issue in society, affecting people of all age groups, as highlighted in the episode. Building and maintaining connections and relationships are crucial for sustaining healthy lifestyle factors and combating the loneliness epidemic. This is particularly relevant for older adults, who may struggle to maintain relationships as they age. Christina mentions the challenges of making new friends as an adult, as expressed by her grandmother.
The masters athletes discussed in the episode serve as examples of individuals who demonstrate the importance of these aspects in healthy aging. They not only prioritize their physical performance but also value psychosocial considerations. Masters athletes have the opportunity to build relationships with individuals across different age groups who share similar mindsets regarding health promotion. This allows for the exchange of knowledge and the adoption of healthy lifestyle factors.
Furthermore, masters athletes have the capacity to learn, grow, and make decisions. They challenge negative age paradigms and combat belief systems around aging through their athleticism. They set goals not only for their own performance but also for serving as role models to younger generations within their family and sport. Masters athletes also contribute positively to their sport by creating mentorship opportunities for younger athletes. They serve as examples of successful aging and contribute to the overall belief in the ideology of successful aging.
Overall, this episode emphasizes that building and maintaining relationships, connectedness, and the capacity to learn, grow, and contribute are essential aspects of healthy aging for all generations, including older adults and masters athletes. These aspects not only contribute to physical well-being but also to psychosocial well-being and the overall belief in successful aging.
Take a listen to learn how to better serve this population of patients & athletes.
If you're looking to learn more about live courses designed to better serve older adults in physical therapy or our online physical therapy courses, check our entire list of continuing education courses for physical therapy including our physical therapy certifications by checking out our website. Don't forget about all of our FREE eBooks, prebuilt workshops, free CEUs, and other physical therapy continuing education on our Resources tab.
00:00 INTRO

What's up, everybody? Welcome back to the PT on Ice Daily Show. Before we jump into today's episode, let's chat about Jane, our show sponsor. Jane makes the D

Dr. Christina Prevett // #GeriOnICE // www.ptonice.com 

In today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show, Modern Management of the Older Adult division leader Christina Prevett discusses masters athletes who challenge negative age paradigms and serve as role models for younger generations. 
According to the episode, the decline in physiological systems can be attributed to both aging and other factors such as inactivity, sedentary behavior, obesity, and chronic diseases. It can be challenging to distinguish between changes in physiological systems solely due to the natural aging process and those influenced by these other factors. However, Christina suggests that psychosocial factors also play a role in positive aging. Factors like loneliness, connectedness, sense of purpose, and the ability to make healthcare decisions not only for oneself but also for others contribute to positive aging. These psychosocial factors are independent of physical capacity and can help individuals maintain a positive aging experience.
Christina emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining relationships, connectedness, and the capacity to learn, grow, and contribute in the context of healthy aging. These aspects are relevant not only for older adults but also for all generations, including Gen X, Gen Z, millennials, boomers, and masters athletes.
Loneliness is a significant issue in society, affecting people of all age groups, as highlighted in the episode. Building and maintaining connections and relationships are crucial for sustaining healthy lifestyle factors and combating the loneliness epidemic. This is particularly relevant for older adults, who may struggle to maintain relationships as they age. Christina mentions the challenges of making new friends as an adult, as expressed by her grandmother.
The masters athletes discussed in the episode serve as examples of individuals who demonstrate the importance of these aspects in healthy aging. They not only prioritize their physical performance but also value psychosocial considerations. Masters athletes have the opportunity to build relationships with individuals across different age groups who share similar mindsets regarding health promotion. This allows for the exchange of knowledge and the adoption of healthy lifestyle factors.
Furthermore, masters athletes have the capacity to learn, grow, and make decisions. They challenge negative age paradigms and combat belief systems around aging through their athleticism. They set goals not only for their own performance but also for serving as role models to younger generations within their family and sport. Masters athletes also contribute positively to their sport by creating mentorship opportunities for younger athletes. They serve as examples of successful aging and contribute to the overall belief in the ideology of successful aging.
Overall, this episode emphasizes that building and maintaining relationships, connectedness, and the capacity to learn, grow, and contribute are essential aspects of healthy aging for all generations, including older adults and masters athletes. These aspects not only contribute to physical well-being but also to psychosocial well-being and the overall belief in successful aging.
Take a listen to learn how to better serve this population of patients & athletes.
If you're looking to learn more about live courses designed to better serve older adults in physical therapy or our online physical therapy courses, check our entire list of continuing education courses for physical therapy including our physical therapy certifications by checking out our website. Don't forget about all of our FREE eBooks, prebuilt workshops, free CEUs, and other physical therapy continuing education on our Resources tab.
00:00 INTRO

What's up, everybody? Welcome back to the PT on Ice Daily Show. Before we jump into today's episode, let's chat about Jane, our show sponsor. Jane makes the D

21 min