11 min

EPISODE 169 - GAIL DAVIS Design Perspectives

    • Design

This episode is me sharing my frustration with titles conflating. For ME, it is important to educate potential clients on what they are getting when they hire a designer as oppose to an influencer as oppose to a friend with a good eye. This is not a knock on anyone but it is to give clarity on the things that you should look at when thinking you may need to hire a designer. I hope this helps!

This episode is me sharing my frustration with titles conflating. For ME, it is important to educate potential clients on what they are getting when they hire a designer as oppose to an influencer as oppose to a friend with a good eye. This is not a knock on anyone but it is to give clarity on the things that you should look at when thinking you may need to hire a designer. I hope this helps!

11 min