27 min

Episode 196: Resiliency, Black Swans, and Perseverance Through the Darkest Times Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

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Resiliency, Black Swans, & Perseverance Through The Darkest Times

We all have black swan events happen in our life. The Covid-19 Pandemic has definitely been an elephant-sized black swan event to the pet business. It has tested the resilience and patience of a larger number of Jumpers. Today I want to share a lesson on antifragility.

Asha Olivia is the owner/operator of Hoby Dogy serving Hoboken, NJ ever since 2012

Asha is also a warrior. For example, she is a stage, four cancer survivor.  Asha also counsels others with deep wisdom. This is wisdom won from a lifetime of going to battle. She works hard to improve every single day. Therefore, Asha has become a guiding light in this world as a result of her daily improvements. Meanwhile, when Asha is not serving others, you will find her taking long walks with her dear husband Jan and their dreamy puppies Lovey and Savey who they met and rescued on the streets of Colombia.


Asha Olivia

Resiliency, Black Swans, & Perseverance Through The Darkest Times

We all have black swan events happen in our life. The Covid-19 Pandemic has definitely been an elephant-sized black swan event to the pet business. It has tested the resilience and patience of a larger number of Jumpers. Today I want to share a lesson on antifragility.

Asha Olivia is the owner/operator of Hoby Dogy serving Hoboken, NJ ever since 2012

Asha is also a warrior. For example, she is a stage, four cancer survivor.  Asha also counsels others with deep wisdom. This is wisdom won from a lifetime of going to battle. She works hard to improve every single day. Therefore, Asha has become a guiding light in this world as a result of her daily improvements. Meanwhile, when Asha is not serving others, you will find her taking long walks with her dear husband Jan and their dreamy puppies Lovey and Savey who they met and rescued on the streets of Colombia.


Asha Olivia

27 min