35 min

Episode 31 with guest Matabishi John Journeys to Belonging

    • Self-Improvement

Matabishi Narukako John (Mata), is a refugee in Kakuma camp, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before fleeing his home in 2012, he earned a diploma in Business Administration. He was settled in Kakuma camp, Kenya the same year. Since he wasn't able to register for university, Mata completed various international NGO training programs offered in Kakuma such as Counseling, case management, Applied Human Rights from the University of Geneva, and other certificates related to managing a non-profit organization. He was particularly interested in computer applications after completing a course with Don Bosco and a certificate in Android Development. Mata has worked in various roles in Kakuma including a community mobilizer for three years and then as an ICT trainer. He is the Founder and CEO of the Kakuma Vocational Center (KVC) established in 2018. KVC is the first maker space for youth in Kakuma.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kvc.vocational

Twitter: @KVC45966042

Fundraiser: https://bit.ly/3dX3H5m

About KVC: https://spark.adobe.com/page/Rac5s4XP7w4qG [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fspark.adobe.com%2Fpage%2FRac5s4XP7w4qG%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3bpMF6PNM5poee9kh-BL9CIztrguZT2gJucN6TndHw-ME4Rr5vlxt60qY&h=AT1pqAHnHdXY625trpuByEgsDz9ccDNmW8J4G3DljJh_zdmHOs9R9XQgD0o_oMuGXdGUT2agsd96uAY63eoTHGNdMGpzS6XXb8SbjQX91THwQJC2Yy3sjq8zrL70L0SuXosFOgoxJQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT38DwBbS7kWqd4BkwqluH1f4EKFqGEweVhfLCed358lN7fw9rYLpV0D9R_11io_Y9-44FFJLoVdqIdQ-rv4ZM6RLNayALOhnEuIwFeoDzoYPsggOi7ijyqBHMF8AuhAqlg1GX8GvCPRRqNTUbRlO3GUIpV_c1kSzoi0IyuKbsz8P3qEzw06fffsL_lhG9A_PcHcp57FqhdcVTuhXXiF]


Matabishi Narukako John (Mata), is a refugee in Kakuma camp, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before fleeing his home in 2012, he earned a diploma in Business Administration. He was settled in Kakuma camp, Kenya the same year. Since he wasn't able to register for university, Mata completed various international NGO training programs offered in Kakuma such as Counseling, case management, Applied Human Rights from the University of Geneva, and other certificates related to managing a non-profit organization. He was particularly interested in computer applications after completing a course with Don Bosco and a certificate in Android Development. Mata has worked in various roles in Kakuma including a community mobilizer for three years and then as an ICT trainer. He is the Founder and CEO of the Kakuma Vocational Center (KVC) established in 2018. KVC is the first maker space for youth in Kakuma.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kvc.vocational

Twitter: @KVC45966042

Fundraiser: https://bit.ly/3dX3H5m

About KVC: https://spark.adobe.com/page/Rac5s4XP7w4qG [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fspark.adobe.com%2Fpage%2FRac5s4XP7w4qG%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3bpMF6PNM5poee9kh-BL9CIztrguZT2gJucN6TndHw-ME4Rr5vlxt60qY&h=AT1pqAHnHdXY625trpuByEgsDz9ccDNmW8J4G3DljJh_zdmHOs9R9XQgD0o_oMuGXdGUT2agsd96uAY63eoTHGNdMGpzS6XXb8SbjQX91THwQJC2Yy3sjq8zrL70L0SuXosFOgoxJQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT38DwBbS7kWqd4BkwqluH1f4EKFqGEweVhfLCed358lN7fw9rYLpV0D9R_11io_Y9-44FFJLoVdqIdQ-rv4ZM6RLNayALOhnEuIwFeoDzoYPsggOi7ijyqBHMF8AuhAqlg1GX8GvCPRRqNTUbRlO3GUIpV_c1kSzoi0IyuKbsz8P3qEzw06fffsL_lhG9A_PcHcp57FqhdcVTuhXXiF]


35 min