45 min

Episode 35: Moving Through Codependence into Empowerment with Janaki Mayhill REdesigning Your Relationships Live

    • Relationships

Let us be open to opportunities to learn, transform, and change with lasting results. Moving toward transformation is what Janaki Mayhill, a NLP Master Practitioner and skilled hypnosis quantum time technique professional, has done for many people. Janaki uses her experience and knowledge to help others see their codependence on people, objects, and past wounds. As a guest on REdesigning Your Relationship Podcast, with hosts Yvette Valdenegro & Geovanna Burgess White, Janki tells her transformation story from codependence. She and her husband of 12 years move through and continue to move through the magic of empowerment. This empowerment remains because they work toward being grounded for themself and one another. They have grown to ‘dance through the storms together’ while balancing the harmony of individual existence. 
This episode is for those who want to develop a growth plan based on thoughtful introspection, aligned with near- and long-term goals, and healthy, proven self-transformation. A growth mindset and transformation require examination and asking tough questions, but once you have determined what needs to be done, commit. Don’t wait to jump on this timely, empowered train!
YGC Relationship Coaches:
Yvette Valdenegro 
Geovanna Burgess White
Watch & Listen to this episode of REdesigning Your Relationship Podcast Here:
iTunes- Apple 
More about Janaki Mayhill:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janaki.mayhill
Event Information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sounds-of-the-soul-womens-retreat-tickets-398103627667?aff=efbneb 
Janaki Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twI7_uU20g 

More YGC Tools & Resources:
Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.

If you are interested in starting a podcast or you are currently a podcaster needing help managing or relaunching your podcast, you may email Haili Murch at hello@hailimurch.com or you can click here to book a call: https://calendly.com/hailimurch/podcast-discovery-call

Let us be open to opportunities to learn, transform, and change with lasting results. Moving toward transformation is what Janaki Mayhill, a NLP Master Practitioner and skilled hypnosis quantum time technique professional, has done for many people. Janaki uses her experience and knowledge to help others see their codependence on people, objects, and past wounds. As a guest on REdesigning Your Relationship Podcast, with hosts Yvette Valdenegro & Geovanna Burgess White, Janki tells her transformation story from codependence. She and her husband of 12 years move through and continue to move through the magic of empowerment. This empowerment remains because they work toward being grounded for themself and one another. They have grown to ‘dance through the storms together’ while balancing the harmony of individual existence. 
This episode is for those who want to develop a growth plan based on thoughtful introspection, aligned with near- and long-term goals, and healthy, proven self-transformation. A growth mindset and transformation require examination and asking tough questions, but once you have determined what needs to be done, commit. Don’t wait to jump on this timely, empowered train!
YGC Relationship Coaches:
Yvette Valdenegro 
Geovanna Burgess White
Watch & Listen to this episode of REdesigning Your Relationship Podcast Here:
iTunes- Apple 
More about Janaki Mayhill:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janaki.mayhill
Event Information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sounds-of-the-soul-womens-retreat-tickets-398103627667?aff=efbneb 
Janaki Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twI7_uU20g 

More YGC Tools & Resources:
Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.

If you are interested in starting a podcast or you are currently a podcaster needing help managing or relaunching your podcast, you may email Haili Murch at hello@hailimurch.com or you can click here to book a call: https://calendly.com/hailimurch/podcast-discovery-call

45 min