29 min

Episode #39: Eating Disorders Yes Means Yes

    • Non-Profit

Registered Dietician Brittany Braswell speaks on eating disorders and trauma.  

Resource mentioned:  https://www.brittanybraswellrd.com/needs 

This video was created as a part of RCEA's outreach and education program.     

For more information on Rape Counselors of East Alabama visit us at one of the following:   

Website: www.rapecounselorsofeastalabama.com   

Insta: @rapecounselorsofeastalabama  

Facebook: www.facebook.com/rceainc

Registered Dietician Brittany Braswell speaks on eating disorders and trauma.  

Resource mentioned:  https://www.brittanybraswellrd.com/needs 

This video was created as a part of RCEA's outreach and education program.     

For more information on Rape Counselors of East Alabama visit us at one of the following:   

Website: www.rapecounselorsofeastalabama.com   

Insta: @rapecounselorsofeastalabama  

Facebook: www.facebook.com/rceainc

29 min