58 min

Episode 41 : It starts with Action - Action starts from believing with Tesse Akpeki , founder of the Wellbeing and Resilience Leadership Initiative It starts with Action

    • Self-Improvement

How do you shift from saying you believe in yourself to actually believing in yourself?

Have you ever felt like you say you believe in something and you really wish you did believe it but at the same time in your heart you don't 100% believe in it? And other times when you 100% believe in something you just know and you feel a burning desire to take action to achieve what you believe in?

It was a really interesting topic Tesse Akpeki and I discussed on the most recent episode.

Another topic I loved was the power of being comfortable alone. It was during the conversation I remembered that I spent 6 months off school and I spent 99% of my time alone  ( had no friends so I didn't even text anyone other than family ) ... the experience made me learn how to enjoy my own company and develop more self-love as well as become my own best friend.  

Another question Tesse asked which I'd love to know your answer - How is your weakness/challenge that you went through a gift? Comment your answer would love to know it :) I believe every struggle is a gift and a blessing because without it you wouldn't be who you are today.

I'm also open to doing calls with anyone who have goals but are struggling to take action on them. If that's you send me a dm would love to chat :) 

Contact : 

Presence's Instagram

Presence's LinkedIn

It starts with action website 


How do you shift from saying you believe in yourself to actually believing in yourself?

Have you ever felt like you say you believe in something and you really wish you did believe it but at the same time in your heart you don't 100% believe in it? And other times when you 100% believe in something you just know and you feel a burning desire to take action to achieve what you believe in?

It was a really interesting topic Tesse Akpeki and I discussed on the most recent episode.

Another topic I loved was the power of being comfortable alone. It was during the conversation I remembered that I spent 6 months off school and I spent 99% of my time alone  ( had no friends so I didn't even text anyone other than family ) ... the experience made me learn how to enjoy my own company and develop more self-love as well as become my own best friend.  

Another question Tesse asked which I'd love to know your answer - How is your weakness/challenge that you went through a gift? Comment your answer would love to know it :) I believe every struggle is a gift and a blessing because without it you wouldn't be who you are today.

I'm also open to doing calls with anyone who have goals but are struggling to take action on them. If that's you send me a dm would love to chat :) 

Contact : 

Presence's Instagram

Presence's LinkedIn

It starts with action website 


58 min