Episode 42 - Inspiring Ideas Podcast - Vibhav Mithal

Inspiring Ideas 팟캐스트

📢 Tune in to the 42nd episode of Inspiring Ideas podcast
Hope you like it! 😀👍

Vibhav Mithal is someone who is NOT from a conventional Tech background, however, he got intrigued with AI which led him to take this path of self learning about AI and its practical implementations across industry.

✅ Learning journey and practical tips for people who want to take a similar path 👨‍🔬🏆🥇
✅ Fundamentals of AI for layman 🤖 👩👨
✅ A few practical use cases of AI and ethical implications 🤔🧐
✅ How can anyone get into the bandwagon of community based Artificial Intelligence learning & sharing 🗝💡🚀

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. See the link in the comments section below 👇

Guest: Vibhav Mithal
Hosts: Madhu Sundararajan & Abhinav Raje

#inspiringideas #recommendations #MKAI #podcast #AI

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