33 min

Episode 47: Customer Experience With Joey Coleman Bella In Your Business: Pet Industry Business Podcast

    • Marketing

On this episode Bella catches up with Joey Coleman, Chief Experience Composer, Design Symphony.  They talk about things you can do as a business owner to create a meaningful customer experience. Ideas include:

* Sending personalized gifts to your customers seemingly at random

* Sending handwritten notes thanking them for trusting you with their fur baby

* Keeping track of simple things like the pet's birthday and sending acknowledgements

* Doing a monthly quick check of the pet (for any issues)

Joey Coleman

* Giving the pet a bath unexpectedly

* Sending quick personalized videos of the you and the pet to the client.

On this episode Bella catches up with Joey Coleman, Chief Experience Composer, Design Symphony.  They talk about things you can do as a business owner to create a meaningful customer experience. Ideas include:

* Sending personalized gifts to your customers seemingly at random

* Sending handwritten notes thanking them for trusting you with their fur baby

* Keeping track of simple things like the pet's birthday and sending acknowledgements

* Doing a monthly quick check of the pet (for any issues)

Joey Coleman

* Giving the pet a bath unexpectedly

* Sending quick personalized videos of the you and the pet to the client.

33 min