29 min

Episode 57: How do I get my gymnast to eat enough‪?‬ The Gymnast Nutritionist® Podcast

    • Nutrition

On today's podcast, I'm tackling a tough topic I hear from parents almost daily. The topic of, "how do I get my gymnast to eat more/enough for their high-level training"?!Once parents become aware of how rampant under-fueling is in gymnastics and the devastating consequences that result from it, most then realize their gymnasts just aren't eating enough. But unfortunately knowing that under-fueling is the number one career killer of upper level gymnasts doesn't just simply fix the...

On today's podcast, I'm tackling a tough topic I hear from parents almost daily. The topic of, "how do I get my gymnast to eat more/enough for their high-level training"?!Once parents become aware of how rampant under-fueling is in gymnastics and the devastating consequences that result from it, most then realize their gymnasts just aren't eating enough. But unfortunately knowing that under-fueling is the number one career killer of upper level gymnasts doesn't just simply fix the...

29 min