27 min

06- Marc C. Close of Six Atomic Bold Brands: Technology and Innovation in Apparel eCommerce

    • Entrepreneurship

As a former fashion business owner, Marc had a front-row seat to the struggles of inventory and supply chain management and how it can have a huge impact on a small fashion start-up. Six Atomic was born of the need to address the inefficiencies of traditional fashion and apparel supply chains.  Find out how Six Atomic's A.I-powered supply chain solutions enable brands to automate trend analyzation, patternmaking, and grading to accomplish what had formerly taken months, in mere minutes. 

As a former fashion business owner, Marc had a front-row seat to the struggles of inventory and supply chain management and how it can have a huge impact on a small fashion start-up. Six Atomic was born of the need to address the inefficiencies of traditional fashion and apparel supply chains.  Find out how Six Atomic's A.I-powered supply chain solutions enable brands to automate trend analyzation, patternmaking, and grading to accomplish what had formerly taken months, in mere minutes. 

27 min