23 min

Episode 82: On-Boarding Volunteers Part 2 Another Youth Ministry Podcast

    • Christianity

11 April 2022Another Youth Ministry PodcastEp 82 - On-Boarding Volunteers Part 2 In this episode we continue our conversation on the "ideal" way to onboard volunteers.Before they Start...Background ChecksMentor pairingAttend Leaders MeetingGroup pairingTheir First Night...GREET THEM!Introduce students to themCheck in on themConnect with Us:IG: @anotherympodcastEmail: AnotherYMPodcast@gmail.com

11 April 2022Another Youth Ministry PodcastEp 82 - On-Boarding Volunteers Part 2 In this episode we continue our conversation on the "ideal" way to onboard volunteers.Before they Start...Background ChecksMentor pairingAttend Leaders MeetingGroup pairingTheir First Night...GREET THEM!Introduce students to themCheck in on themConnect with Us:IG: @anotherympodcastEmail: AnotherYMPodcast@gmail.com

23 min