41 min

Equipped 2024 - Youth: "How the Descriptions of Jesus in John Can Help My Faith" by Scott Cain Lehman Ave Church of Christ

    • Christianity

April 20, 2024 - Saturday 1:30PM Tent Speaker
Speaker: Scott Cain
John 20:31

Trust in an individual

a lot of description of Jesus in John

Faith faces the fact of…
Jesus' Facts (John 1:1-14)

Jesus’ Rationality (John 1:1-3)

Jesus’ Identity (John 1:1-17)

“The World”


In the Beginning


With God

Distinct from the Father

Was God


All… Made by Him


Flesh… dwelt among us


Only begotten

Son of God

Grace and Truth

Brought Grace and Truth

Jesus’ Reality (John 1:14)

John bases his description of Jesus on evidence

Gnostics - made up, what they claim they knew

Ex. Dualism: spiritual =good and humanity = bad

Jesus wasn’t actual physical

Others claim Jesus was physical but not deity

Know-it-alls that didn’t know anything

Jesus’ Forgiveness

John 1:29 words of John the Baptist

Isaiah 53:4-7 suffering servant

“It’s not ok, but it’s going to be ok”

John 12:32

Model of forgiveness (Personal and moving passages on forgiveness)

John 5:14 (general forgiveness)

John 4:17-18, 21 (woman at the well)

John 8:7, 11 (woman caught in act of adultery, failed to catch her accomplice)

John 13:38; 21:17 (Peter will deny Jesus 3x) why did Peter go back to tomb a 2nd time?  Peter wept bitterly over his own actions. 

Every time sin happens, someone made a choice

Motive of Forgiveness (John 3:16)

Jesus’ Friendship (John 15:13)

Out of Friendship…

He died for me (John 15:13)

I live for Him (John 15:14)

He shared His Father’s Will (John 15:15)

I have His Father’s Ear (15:15, 16:27)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ESJBRbG2k
Duration 41:43

April 20, 2024 - Saturday 1:30PM Tent Speaker
Speaker: Scott Cain
John 20:31

Trust in an individual

a lot of description of Jesus in John

Faith faces the fact of…
Jesus' Facts (John 1:1-14)

Jesus’ Rationality (John 1:1-3)

Jesus’ Identity (John 1:1-17)

“The World”


In the Beginning


With God

Distinct from the Father

Was God


All… Made by Him


Flesh… dwelt among us


Only begotten

Son of God

Grace and Truth

Brought Grace and Truth

Jesus’ Reality (John 1:14)

John bases his description of Jesus on evidence

Gnostics - made up, what they claim they knew

Ex. Dualism: spiritual =good and humanity = bad

Jesus wasn’t actual physical

Others claim Jesus was physical but not deity

Know-it-alls that didn’t know anything

Jesus’ Forgiveness

John 1:29 words of John the Baptist

Isaiah 53:4-7 suffering servant

“It’s not ok, but it’s going to be ok”

John 12:32

Model of forgiveness (Personal and moving passages on forgiveness)

John 5:14 (general forgiveness)

John 4:17-18, 21 (woman at the well)

John 8:7, 11 (woman caught in act of adultery, failed to catch her accomplice)

John 13:38; 21:17 (Peter will deny Jesus 3x) why did Peter go back to tomb a 2nd time?  Peter wept bitterly over his own actions. 

Every time sin happens, someone made a choice

Motive of Forgiveness (John 3:16)

Jesus’ Friendship (John 15:13)

Out of Friendship…

He died for me (John 15:13)

I live for Him (John 15:14)

He shared His Father’s Will (John 15:15)

I have His Father’s Ear (15:15, 16:27)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ESJBRbG2k
Duration 41:43

41 min